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The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett › Forums › General › Deep squatting knee pain.
Tagged: atg, front_squats, kneepain, quads, squats
- This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 9 months ago by
Margaret Williams.
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04/17/2015 at 12:56 pm #71334
Margaret Williams
ParticipantI have recently came across a knee issue that has haunted me for almost 8 months now.
first my stats. 6″ 250 lbs 25 years oldat the time of my injury I could DL 365×5 back squat 315×6 bench 195×6 (LONG ARMS)I have been lifting consistently for 4 years now. Last year I really wanted to get into mixing up variations of my leg days. I started doing over head squats and front squats and working the weight up on these. At the time I had been lifting barefoot for about a year. I could do assisted pistols, and had been working on ATG but had a case of butt wink. But never had an issue with my knees.I bought the nike romaleos because I thought they would benefit my form a bit.Using them the first couple times was great. Until I did my front squats… I felt pain in my knees right above the patella and wear the quad ends.I had to take a few months off from lifting because a new son, moving, and life stuff. I returned the shoes and the pain from the squats took ~2 weeks to disappear.In January I started doing high rep body weight exercises @ home. I noticed some odd popping in my knees but ignored it. Eventually I had a small twinge feeling in a knee and had to stop from fear. It initially felt like instability so I started rehabbing using bosu ball at the gym and rolling with a Roller + lacrosse ball.I have had 50% of my previous strength return, but I still feel something particular in my left knee. The right one pops and it never did before but I have had no pain at all with it. The left one has been the ISSUE.I found Kelly’s videos and started working on mobility wods for hips and the knee. the internal rotation was very limited but I have made progress with that. Also I began the 10 minute squat test. I cant complete it but I have nailed down the pain issue I am having.When I as deep as possible to sit it feels fine, the issue is when from the depth I come up. I feel a pulling semi sharp pain in the patella/quad area accompanied by cracking.This isnt limited to weight bearing. I also started the pft stretching that kelly suggests. When I stretch my quad its fine I can bend all the way to my glute, But when I push against it I feel the same pain and cracking that I do coming up from the atg squat.I haven’t seen a doctor about this because financially i would rather not. If anyone here has any ideas or suggestions i am desperate and would greatly appreciate it! -
04/20/2015 at 2:18 pm #75945
Margaret Williams
Participantto add, I also had been working on going narrower with my feet from the advice on the 10 min squat test.
I have no issue going deep without pain when my legs/feet are at approximately 45 degrees out.the cracking and pain sensations only appear when I go 20-0 degrees. -
04/20/2015 at 2:27 pm #75946
Margaret Williams
ParticipantAlso I had someone suggest it was
aka runner’s knee.My main apprehension of accepting this is that my pain started front squatting in olympic lifting shoes. And I have always been very quad dominant.the recommendation is to str the quad, it seems more likely to be imbalances and im worried about axasterbating them by just generally str the quad without a specific target. -
04/21/2015 at 10:04 am #75949
Nathan Richer
Participanthave you tried voodoo banding around the left knee? sounds like the tissues could use some slack. it may have built up from years of lifting but never addressed, and then exacerbated by you doing OH and Front Squats.
not only would i voodoo band around the knee, i would also walk the voodoo band up the quad to the hip (and do some moves at each wrap), and go below the knee as well down to the ankle. when you go below, you can do calf raises or rotate the foot in addition to squats.i’d also get a set of 2 voodoo bands so you can do both legs at once. it is likely that there are some issues that would best be cleared up on the other leg as well.if there is still pain, i’d go see a clinician. trying to address a painful situation in this forum really isn’t the right way to go. -
04/21/2015 at 11:08 am #75952
Margaret Williams
Participant -
04/21/2015 at 11:28 am #75954
Nathan Richer
ParticipantX-bands are thicker and give you more squeezing force, but are also harder to stretch.
the regular voodoo floss bands are generally more than sufficient for most people and applications. note that if you ever want to floss your elbow or shoulders by winding the bands around yourself, then i would recommend the regular ones. it is already hard enough to wind around your arms, let alone needing to maintain the extra stretch of the X-bands – they have a tendency to either tire you and you can’t get enough pressure and/or whip out of your hands and then you have to start over. -
05/19/2015 at 12:14 pm #76022
Margaret Williams
ParticipantI ended up doing the “DIY way and making my own .As of now I believe that I havetendonitis (no inflammation) of my quad to patella.Deep flexion is what aggravates it most, its pops if I do squats (no pain) and most days now its a vague ache but will throb if worked on.currently I stretch my hips externally + internally, Hamstrings,calfs quads glutes. Use a ball to smash my quad and it band, a stick to get hammies. And I started adding in cardio but keeping it recumb bike – This makes it throb during, and stairaster which doesnt bother it at all.Also I n the shower I have been doing 3 minutes HOT and 30 seconds ICE COLD on knee 2-3x per knee at the end of showers to help circulation.I am taking Glucosamine, MSM, chondrotion, biocell collagen type II, and hydrolaurnic acid.Been religious about this for a month and have see no – little improvement, any suggestions?
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