The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Back Crossfit with disc herniation/back to the barbell course

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    • #71679
      AvatarRob Collins

      Hello everyone! I’m new here 🙂 So I have a L1-S5 disc herniation. I earned it doing Crossfit with a poor technique and without proper recovery. My question is: is it possible to be able to do Crossfit and weightlifting with such injury (of course non-competitive) and are there anyone who did this course and found it helpful?

      Thank you!
    • #77230
      AvatarPatrick Thomas
      Welcome Nygyman
      Have you consulted with your doctor(s) or other qualified health care provider about participating in CrossFit and weightlifting post injury?
      Working with a quality PT with an S&C background is something to look into.
    • #77237
      AvatarTom Matchinsky

      The back to the barbell course will be useful, but I would also recommend finding a practitioner in your area who understands your goals and can make sure you are moving in a way that isn’t aggravating before you start slowly adding in the load, volume, and intensity of CrossFit and weightlifting. 

      MWOD Staff
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