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    • #70235
      Avatar[email protected]

      I started working on my hip and ankle mobility, as these are my two major problem areas.  I did the calf stretching from episode 3, and also did some sitting in a squat shifting pressure from one leg to the other, pushing down on the ankles.  I feel I have more range of motion in my ankles now, but they´re also cracking and popping, which they never did before.  Have any of you experienced this?  Any explanations?

      Also, there´s a general sense of soreness, a mix of sore muscles and stretched muscles, in my hips.  Normal?  Or am I doing something wrong here?

      Thanks again.  Have a great weekend!

    • #72067

      The cracking could be stuff breaking up/ moving out of the joint that was causing the restriction. With new range there is new responsibility.
      You may be accessing muscles/tendons/ligaments that have not been accessed before, moving stretching these in new ways, challenging positions, resetting positions etc. may move moves and tissue in new ways and to new end ranges.
      Pain is your body’s way of letting you know something is wrong. So if there is pain you would want to re look at what you are doing. Soreness may be part of where you are at in working to improve the mobility in that area, tissue, muscle etc.

    • #72102
      AvatarBailey Martinez

      Hi Claudia,

      I’ve been getting cracking and popping in my knees and ankles since I started mobility work about 2 months ago. Still hasn’t stopped, but I also keep gaining ROM.
      As for the sore muscles, I definitely feel sore and tight in my hips and groin. Even if I don’t workout for 2-3 days (I still do mobility work), my hips still feel pretty tight and every morning I feel like I have to work my corners. First thing I do every morning when I get to work is put a foot up on my chair, drop down into a semi lunge position, load my hip, and start hunting. 
      I would say its completely normal, especially if you know you were very “mobility deficient”. 
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