The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Connection between anterior neck and hand numbness

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    • #71204
      AvatarLuis Abudei

      Hi all, 

      New to the forum (to any forum actually!). 
      I have been working my left arm overhead position by working on lats, trap and neck. Also, I’ve added some internal rotation work by smashing the bicep/head of the bicep. Recently, I’ve been rolling on my anterior neck and noticed that it triggers some pain on the bicep. After a while, I noticed that my fingers and especially the thumb are tingly. 

      Should this be a concern? Is it a sign that I need to address other problems? Should I continue to roll on the front of the neck, just less aggressively?

      Thanks for the help!
    • #75529

      Sounds like you are hitting a nerve.
      If you are compressing the nerve (putting pressure on it)  that can cause pain to radiate down the arm.

    • #75554
      AvatarLauren Baker

      Same with me, I’m curious about it.

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