Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Clearing swelling post knee surgery

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    • #71395
      AvatarGio Fitzgerald

      I’ve just had an arthroscopy of my knee and had a micro fracture procedure on the cartilage.
      Pain levels are fairly low but I’ve been told I can’t fully weight bear for 4 weeks to give the healing e best chance.
      In terms of the swelling, I’m just wondering how best to try and shift it without ibuprofen or ice? Voodoo compression is obviously out of the question at the minute
      due to the incisions, and general movement is restricted because I can’t weight bear.
      Any advice appreciated,

    • #76067

      Are you able to get it wet yet?
      If you are getting into a pool you can get movement without weight bearing.
      You could swim,kick, possibly walk in the shallow end or use a running belt if the water is deeper.

    • #76069
      AvatarGio Fitzgerald

      I can’t submerse it yet, no. But that’s definitely a good idea. I’ll have to wait another week probably but I’ll crack on with it when I can.
      Thanks Kaitlin

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