The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Can’t find movement dysfunction

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    • #71216
      AvatarTim Morey

      Something is wrong with my squat pattern and I can’t figure it out!

      Here is a very brief history of tweaks/injuries
      – Two years ago I tore my right lateral meniscus and got a very small amount removed (in fact on a recent MRI the radiologist said he could not       even tell some was missing)
      – I have a “slit (what the doc called it)” in the lateral tibial chondyl on the right side.
      – SI joint sprain which affected the right side
      – displaced rib near my shoulder blade on the right side
      Basically, the squat dysfunction is affecting all my movement and initiating injury after injury.
      The only way I can describe it is that my right foot keeps turning out as I descend and it feels like im unable to “screw” my feet into the ground.  As a result when I come out of the hole my hips shift to the right.  
      I’ve addressed ankle dorsiflexion mobility, hip external rotation, t-spine extension, and all seem to be ok to the degree that I can do a decent squat jerk with an empty barbell.  All of the pain is on the right side, it’s mainly my knee and I keep spraining the SI joint, I just can’t seem to find the imbalance/tightness…any suggestions?
    • #75563
      AvatarTim Morey

      hips shift to the left* out of the whole, not the right!

    • #75564
      AvatarTom Mar

      I may have something similar going on also, I’ve noticed my IT bands are tight and I’ve been working on some anterior tibialis work (especially Everson with a therapy band) and have noticed some difference. I’m interested to see what else is said on here because I believe it is somewhat similar. When you walk do you notice your foot pronating at all?

    • #75565
      AvatarTim Morey

      yeah i have a little pronation of the feet ! when i squat my ankles do roll in pretty bad even though i have good dorsiflexion (so ive been told). the problem also manifests itself in that i cant get my hips forward in the bottom no matter how hard i externally rotate my hips! 

    • #75566
      AvatarTom Mar

      Look up kstar’s levator scapula stretch with the bands. Also get a therapy band and work on that eversion with a therapy band. And roll out your calves. (Especially the inner part of the soleus)

    • #75567
      AvatarTom Mar

      And the global gut smash has really helped with my hips. And if that doesn’t help try some internal rotation work.

    • #75568
      AvatarTim Morey

      ill definitely have to look those up!! Thanks man!

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