Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Lifting Calf Pain/Pressure/Ache when comming up out of a squat

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    • #70932
      AvatarRichard Lais

      When I am coming out of a loaded squat I have what I am going to call a SEVERE shooting, throbbing, pressure, sharp pain that runs throughout the lateral side of each calf. Almost debilitating and all my strength is gone once I engage my muscles out of the squat. The pain then aches and radiates up and down after. I constantly stretch and roll them out and I have noticed huge painful knots when smashing. I have had this issue for 3 days now and literally cant do any training with my legs because of it. I did do a pretty nasty WOD before it started that entailed 60 thrusters at 105#, which is extremely heavy for me and the first time I have ever done that many thrusters at that weight. Could this be what the issue is? I flossed today and did some ice bath/hot tub rotations to refresh the legs but I am still achy and in pain.

    • #74624

      You may have over done it with the weight and rep number.
      Stop the ice bath
      People, We’ve Got to Stop Icing. We Were Wrong, Sooo Wrong.
      Community Video – Peoples, We’ve Got to Stop Icing. A Year Later….
      Are you staying on the knots to see change when smashing?
      Send time a couple times throughout the day.
      Shorter time between sessions will help.

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