The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General bjj armbar….elbow hyperextended

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    • #89195

      I got caught in an armbar last night at Bjj I heard a couple of cracks. My elbow got hyperextended. I woke up this morning and was able to get it moving with no sharp pain just real sore. The soreness is only on the inner part of my elbow not the whole joint. My question is how would you go about strengthening it. Also what is the best way to train around this injury. I train at a crossfit gym for my strength and conditioning. I’m going to take a few weeks off fro BJJ until this elbow feels like it has healed.


    • #89251
      Michael AlzheimerMichael Alzheimer

      If you’ve heard a popping sound its probably a good idea to seek a medical pro to be sure of the severity of the injury before trying to get back to exercise.

    • #90864
      AvatarJamie Irving

      I have the same injury 8 years ago. My elbow seems to permanently lack extension range, hence 1 of the reasons that I’m hear. It’s caused issues, e.g. shoulder and wrist ‘freezing’, even hard growths in my wrists to stop me from performing handstands with poor elbow stability. Xrays generally reveal nothing for this type of injury. I’m going to trial consistent mobility exercises prescribed on this site. Also check for internal rotation bias, similar to tibial internal rotation on leg injuries (which I also have). Once the swelling has decreased look for consistent mobilization 7 days per week. Hanging and hanging twisting has been great for mine. Looking to get full range with other protocols found here now.

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