The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Best all body mobility ‘protocol’ to start the day

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    • #71793
      AvatarChristopher Kumfer


      Really enjoying the daily moblity wods, just wondering if anyone has a all body mobility protocol to start the day.
      I currently move all boy parts from head to toe when i wake in the morning, but I am sure there is a more effective process.
      Thank you in advance for your help.
    • #76953
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      All body mobility to start the day is alot to do.
      How is what you are doing working for you?

      If you know a position you’ll be in throughout the day you can to a couple mobs to open that area prior to the day. Or you could do a couple mobs to prep for your workout later in the day.

      If you are looking for something to follow you can do the 14 day Mobility Challenge/ 7 green lights.
      14-Day Mobility Challenge | 7 Green Lights | Day 1

    • #76963
      AvatarTom Matchinsky


      Pavel has some old books, superjoints and fast and loose which cover a quick way to move through a bunch of different positions to start your day.
      MWOD Staff
    • #76964
      AvatarNate Belson

      Enzo Vullo, Maybe you should check out Andreo Spinas work. He has design a full body “mobility protocol” that can be done first thing in the morning, try searching for Controlled articular rotation. I do it every morning and it takes about 15-20 min.

    • #76965
      AvatarChristopher Kumfer


    • #76968
      AvatarJames Harper

      I developed a morning routine by going through all rx of the “desk warrior” book (14 in total). I then took 1 exercise from each rx which I figured was the best for me, combined them and thats my routine from now on. Take a couple of exercises that really get you somewhere. Some of them bring a big change, some don’t really do anything. It is different for every person. There is no one fits all routine. 

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