Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Banded Hip internal joint mob and groin impingement

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    • #71648
      AvatarKaren McCann

      Hi! In regards to these episodes I though I’d make a thread; 

      pro-episode-missing-hip-internal-rotation and episode-262-hip-flexion-case-study-and-mobrx-part-1 The last one sums up how bad my left hip mobility is, with a clunk. 

      Mobilizations used:  episode-262-hip-flexion-case-study-and-mobrx-part-2


      I cannot distract the joint enough to clear the impingement in the front if I try to internally rotate on my left hip. 
      Are my psoas and adductors to tight to allow this?  It’s hard in general to make the groin relax in this mob, about 5 minutes to actually allow the femur to “sink in” and feel something other than stiffness where the distraction is. Then suddenly it all relaxes and finally just mobilizes. Anyone else recognize this?  

      I also wonder how to do the standing flossing capsule mob if your leg is to stiff to be able to get straight while leaning and touching the ground. Should I lean on something or should I just have the knee bend and floss while leaning over. 
      I try couch stretch and this video (pro episode 52) suggests that I can reach and stretch my psoas but on the right side I have to work really hard with abdominal muscles or else I get pain at the SI-joint (not nerve). Also find it hard to activate glutes in this position, how do I alter the stretch to facilitate?

      Since I don’t want to make more topics I might as well ask how to think when I do this stretch (episode 166). If I put my right leg up on the bed with the ankle resting outside (in order to keep it perpendicular), I really have to push my hip to the right or else it falls out to the left and all tension is lost in the right leg. See image. How do I interpret this?
      Hope to get some clarity!
      Kindly Karolina
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