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    • #70206
      AvatarIain Graham

      Hi guys. I’m here because I stumbled upon Kelly Starrett’s book “Becoming a Supple Leopard” on Amazon and the idea really “grabbed” me. At 54 I’m not full Paleo, but fully Paleo “aware” tending to prefer quality meat and veggies when possible, and taking Vitamin D, Magnesium, Selenium and a few other supplements. I try to avoid wheat when possible, but when I slip, I find I pay for in the way of itching scalp, forearms etc- (needless to say, I try to avoid it and am working to dump it altogether.) I have always likened myself to an OX physically. I’m rather short, solid, and not particularly athletic (thus the Crossfit movement has not been a big draw for me, though I really do want to be more fit than I currently am). My question is this: At my age, I find I have enough muscles aches, and joint pains and general malaise, that I would like to push myself to a greater degree of flexibility, health and suppleness. Can I find a middle ground here, (and in Kelly’s book), without being a fitness fanatic? I don’t want to be competitive, just flexible, healthy and pain-free. Any advice would be appreciated. 

    • #72029

      Being flexible, healthy, and pain free is not being a fanatic.
      Address the areas where you see there is more potential for you to achieve.
      Or areas that you identify needing some attention.
      In doing this you’ll probably see other aspects come around as a result.
      Take it one piece at a time.

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