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    • #70451
      AvatarRichard Quach

      I have a small 2nd degree tear of my calf muscle. It happened two days ago doing box jumps. I have some bruising that showed up within seconds of it happening, also a small area of bump on my calf where the muscle is bunched up. I have not gone to the doctor because I don’t think they can do anything and I have researched it online quite a bit. 4 to 6 weeks for recovery, start out with very light duty and gradually move to light duty, wrap it. etc etc. Here are a couple of questions I have.

      1. Is it a good idea to do very light easy stretching on the calf and massage the area that is torn to help with blood flow and try to lengthen the bunched up muscle?

      2. Is it a good idea to use voodoo bands or ace bandage to wrap tightly for 2 min or so and then take it off to promote blood flow?

      3. I have access to electric pulse massager (forget the proper name of equipment), is it a good idea to use that often on the area of the tear?


      Thanks for the help look forward to hearing some responses.


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