Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Which exercises before working out and which after? Re: Which exercises before working out and which after?

AvatarNathanael Alexander


I have the SupLeo2 and it has a part about it from pg142. I’m not sure if it has in the first edition I havent seen one since the 2nd came out. In case it doesnt, here you go:

Pressure Wave: post workout, at night before bed, anytime you ‘re trying to down-regulate, during sliding surface mobilization.

Contract and relax: post workout, anytime youre trying to lengthen tissue to end range or get a deeper compression when smashing.

Banded flossing: before and after training, or between sets.

Smash and floss: no description about it. I think it should be after training.

Vodoo: before training, when you have a swollen joint, when you want to treat a painful trigger point or joint.

Flexion gapping: before of after workout if you miss flexion range in knee or elbow.