Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Shoulder Where do you start when the entire system is the problem? Re: Where do you start when the entire system is the problem?

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The book IS awesome 🙂

My first two ART sessions were little short of amazing – though about as far from pleasant as possible. Apparently my shoulder complex and lat on that side is full of adhesions… Those are being addressed and this morning I was able to actually do a light overhead press (kettlebell thrusters) properly and with NO pain! That was also the first time, ever, that the light kettlebell actually felt LIGHT in the overhead position 🙂
Does my left arm match my right one? No, but it is much better. Kstar has provided so many great tools through the website and book, and with the adhesions addressed I think that my coach’s efforts, and my own, will be far more effective as I strive for increased mobility and strength.