Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Voodoo floss pinching the bag of my leg – How do I prevent this? Re: Voodoo floss pinching the bag of my leg – How do I prevent this?

AvatarNathan Richer

over time, you’ll know when it is too tight and when it is too loose. it is going to be uncomfortable for sure. kstarr likes to say, pull the band by about 50% stretch as you wrap around. 

if it is too tight, you will see your limb turning white immediately, potentially going numb.  it should be going near white after about 2-3 minutes of mobilizing, not immediately.
if it is too loose, you will feel easy moving around. this is not enough. when the tension is good, you should feel difficult to move around in the beginning, and progressively easier as you mobilize.
if it is too uncomfortable, just go a minute at first. get used to the discomfort. then next time, try for 1:15, and then 1:30 and so on.
always test before and retest the position (ie. deep squat, arms overhead, etc.) after the voodoo wrap. if it was too loose, you will probably see little/no change. if the tension is enough, you should see improvement in the tested position. good luck!