The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Voodoo floss pinching the bag of my leg – How do I prevent this?

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    • #71223
      AvatarLauren Moore

      Hi everyone,

      I tried doing the voodoo floss for my knee pain wrapping around just above the knee cap and just below the way Kelly shows. When I am squatting up and down with the bands on it pinches my skin and then the whole next day the back of my leg where the bands were is super tender and I cannot do another session until it heels. Any tips on stopping this? Thank you so much 🙂

    • #75599

      Is the band wrapped tight enough?
      I’d try wrapping it a little tighter if that doesn’t help try a little looser.
      Are you overlapping the band 1/2 the width when wrapping?

    • #75600
      AvatarLauren Moore

      Thank you I will have to try that 🙂 Thank you for the reply Kaitlin 🙂

    • #75602
      AvatarNathan Richer

      also make sure that you wrap very precisely and that you overlap by half the width of the strip for each circle around. if you are messy and leave opportunity for openings to develop between the circles of wrap around your leg, it will squeeze skin between the strips and you’ll get red welts due to that as you move.

    • #75608
      AvatarLauren Moore

      David, thank you that could be why I get that issue. I hate the feeling of things restricting around me (i.e. BP cuff, tourniquets, etc) and so I try to put the bands on as quickly as possible trying to overlap by 1/2 but I do them so quickly that I could be easily missing some. Also how do I know if I am putting them on tight enough or too tight?

      Thanks 🙂

    • #75610
      AvatarNathan Richer

      over time, you’ll know when it is too tight and when it is too loose. it is going to be uncomfortable for sure. kstarr likes to say, pull the band by about 50% stretch as you wrap around. 

      if it is too tight, you will see your limb turning white immediately, potentially going numb.  it should be going near white after about 2-3 minutes of mobilizing, not immediately.
      if it is too loose, you will feel easy moving around. this is not enough. when the tension is good, you should feel difficult to move around in the beginning, and progressively easier as you mobilize.
      if it is too uncomfortable, just go a minute at first. get used to the discomfort. then next time, try for 1:15, and then 1:30 and so on.
      always test before and retest the position (ie. deep squat, arms overhead, etc.) after the voodoo wrap. if it was too loose, you will probably see little/no change. if the tension is enough, you should see improvement in the tested position. good luck!
    • #75620
      AvatarLauren Moore

      Thank you so much David, that was some really helpful information. 🙂

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