Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Stiff lower back, hypermobile mid-back, uneven shoulders, femoral anterior glide (FAGS) Re: Stiff lower back, hypermobile mid-back, uneven shoulders, femoral anterior glide (FAGS)

AvatarPatrick Thomas

The spine is the chassis (base frame) for the hip and shoulder.
Have you had anyone take a look at your set up?
If things are done out of order that could be what needs attention.
I don’t know what your deadlift compromise is.
Wrong link is above. It links to pilot episode.
Are you missing hip flexion?
Get your hip to the back of the socket.

Programming for the Hypermobile Athlete | Pro Episode #70
The Hypermobile Amongst Us: Spine Edition
Mobility, Pregnancy, and the Hypermobile