Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Back Returning to squat + deadlift after lumbar herniation Re: Returning to squat + deadlift after lumbar herniation

AvatarNathan Richer

I am not sure where you are in your rehab, but if you still feel pain down there it could affect your form, thereby making advanced and heavy movements very dangerous.

I personally think that you should let it rest until the disc is completely healed.  Then rebuild as you describe.  You could blow it out completely if you don’t, which would set you back even more than now, perhaps even permanently.  
Spend the time to heal. Don’t waste it. Yes it sucks. I’ve been there too.  Get pain free, then rebuild.  You can always do air movements to keep working the patterns. Also, practice bracing in the meantime and good posture.