Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Shoulder Please give me your advice, my shoulder doesnt get any better despite hard work Re: Please give me your advice, my shoulder doesnt get any better despite hard work


Is there a coach at your gym that can help you?
Good to hear you are seeing improvements. It may take some time to resolve since it has been an ongoing situation.
Need to identify the cause of the issue to get it resolved.

Episode 261 http://www.mobilitywod.com/2011/06/episode-261-perfect-pushup-er-lie-detector/
Movement Transfer http://www.mobilitywod.com/2012/04/movement-transfer-exercise-the-pushup-the-slingshot/
Pressing mechanics and the knee push up…. http://www.mobilitywod.com/2013/01/pressing-mechanics-and-the-knee-pushup-up-disasterfroning-and-bailey-edition/