Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Lifting Hip Pain/Pull/Tightness (maybe flexor) in the bottom of any squat. Re: Hip Pain/Pull/Tightness (maybe flexor) in the bottom of any squat.

AvatarNathan Richer

I’m guess it’s the muscle on the top of your quad that needs some work, or rectus femoris.

Try smashing with a supernova or roller, but laying down on top of it and moving the leg back and forth across the ball or roller. work up and down from knee to hip.  then test your squat again. does it feel looser?
I would also try voodoo banding around the upper leg.  start at the knee. voodoo band from top of knee to as far as one roll gets you, overlapping half the band and pulling it tight about 50% as you go around.  then do squats for 2 min. test. is it looser?
then voodoo band the next level up the quad, same wrapping.  do squats for 2 min. test again. better?
repeat until you get up to the top of the upper leg at hip.  test again. better?