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Dave Colina
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Kelly: [0:00:04] Hey everyone, I’m Dr. Kelly Starrett.
Juliet: [0:00:06] And I’m Juliet Starrett.
Kelly: [0:00:08] And you’re listening to The Ready State Podcast.
Juliet: [00:00:16] This episode of The Ready State Podcast is brought to you by LMNT.
Kelly: [00:00:20] One of the things we’re about to roll into is summertime.
Juliet: [00:00:23] And what happens then?
Kelly: [00:00:24] You’re sweating; it’s hot out there. And you know what people are not doing? I feel like we’ve really evolved in sports nutrition, performance nutrition. We’re fueling better. But I have seen where people have forgotten that there’s this thing called salt. And you have to replace the salt if you’re going hard in the paint.
Juliet: [00:00:41] Yeah. And I mean people are outdoors doing these long efforts. We obviously are out on our mountain bikes every weekend and it’s a big… We notice a huge difference when it gets hot and we really have to double down on making sure we’re getting enough salt.
Kelly: [00:00:53] Yeah. I think those people in the endurance communities are looking at electrolytes, are looking at essential salts, but sometimes as the recreational athlete goes out, doesn’t really matter day to day. I’m probably getting some salt; I’m salting my food. But I can’t tell you what a performance difference it will make — your recovery will feel better, your tissues will feel better. You are a bioelectrical machine. That’s who you are. You know what runs that whole system? Salt. Say it with me now: salt.
Juliet: [00:01:20] Salt.
Kelly: [00:01:21] So try supplementing with one LMNT pack in your normal water after training. I guarantee you’re going to recover better and feel better. And it’s so tasty. It’s so tasty.
Juliet: [00:01:33] It’s so tasty. Right now, if you order through our link, you get a free sample pack with all of LMNT’s flavors. Go to
Kelly: [00:01:43] Do it.
Juliet: [00:01:44] This episode of The Ready State Podcast is brought to you by
Kelly: [00:01:48] Look, we are rolling into summer and that means it’s going to be a sweaty time where you cannot fall asleep and your sleep sucks because you’re drowning in your own sweat.
Juliet: [00:01:59] I mean, look, here’s the deal: Kelly is the hottest sleeper-
Kelly: [00:02:02] You have no idea.
Juliet: [00:02:02] In the known universe. Especially his legs. His legs get so hot they’re radiating heat.
Kelly: [00:02:06] I don’t know if you know this but my stems have a high surface to volume ratio.
Juliet: [00:02:10] But really, when he was able to add and the Dock Pro into his life, it really changed everything from a sleep perspective because he would often find himself waking up in the night and having to cast all the covers off of his body because he was so hot.
Kelly: [00:02:23] Don’t touch me, woman.
Juliet: [00:02:23] And it was really disruptive for his sleep. And when he got the original Chilipad and now has a Dock Pro, it really changed the quality of his sleep.
Kelly: [00:02:32] It’s so powerful. And I’ll tell you, one of the cool things is on the app, I set it. I get into bed right now, it’s 95. It’s warm and cozy.
Juliet: [00:02:40] It’s so warm.
Kelly: [00:02:41] Because we are still on that shoulder season. Then after like 20 minutes, it drops down to where I’m currently sleeping. And it is cold and I wake up and I feel great and then guess what?
Juliet: [00:02:52] It warms back up in the morning.
Kelly: [00:02:54] I don’t use an alarm anymore because at 6:30 in the morning, zzzz, starts to warm back up and my body says, oh no.
Juliet: [00:03:02] It’s time to start the day.
Kelly: [00:03:03] So I feel so much better sleeping cold. You can see the proof in my sleep tracking. And man, I’ll tell you what, people, do not mess about. Start managing the temperature of your bed, have your life change.
Juliet: [00:03:16] Especially as we head into summer. Head over to to learn more and save on the purchase of any new CUBE or Dock Pro sleep system. So go to to take advantage of our exclusive discount and wake up refreshed every day just like Kelly.
Juliet: [00:03:34] On this episode of The Ready State Podcast, we are delighted to welcome our friend Dave Colina. Dave is the founder and CEO of O2 Hydration, an Inc. 5000 beverage brand and the official sports drink of the CrossFit Games. A former corporate strategist, Dave cut his entrepreneurial teeth while helping open a non-profit charter high school in Columbus, Ohio. He then left the office life to coach CrossFit and create a healthier hydration drink, eventually launching O2 from the trunk of Ohio’s hardest working Prius in 2014. Dave is a graduate of The Ohio State University, a certified CrossFit coach, Krav Maga black belt, and the marketing mind behind 2020’s Best Beverage Marketing Campaign of the Year. He lives in Boulder, Colorado and when he’s not teaching business classes part time at CU Boulder, he’s out riding his Harley and howling at the moon.
Kelly: [00:04:26] He’s also a savage, savage, VO2 maker.
Juliet: [00:04:32] What do you mean by VO2 maker?
Kelly: [00:04:33] I mean, look, we got to know Dave through his company O2 and what you’re going to hear here is definitely the entrepreneurial experience and it’s up and down. I love that he’s currently teaching in Boulder in real time helping young kids understand the trials and tribulations of being an entrepreneur and sometimes the V stands for vodka and O2 because-
Juliet: [00:04:56] Oh, VO2, I got it. I was slow on that one.
Kelly: [00:04:58] VO2 because you’re suffering as an entrepreneur. What’s great is we’re also going to talk about big soda and sponsor for athletes, we talk about his choice of aluminum cans and sports drinks. This is a really interesting conversation.
Juliet: [00:05:11] Yeah, I agree and it was great to connect with him on being joint entrepreneurs. We have so much in common with him in terms of our journey and trajectory.
Kelly: [00:05:18] Work pain tolerance.
Juliet: [00:05:19] Work pain tolerance and successes and failures. So I think we got a lot covered in a short amount of time and you guys are going to enjoy it.
Kelly: [00:05:24] In full disclosure, I like to be entertained in my mouth sometimes, and O2 is a fantastic way to do that.
Juliet: [00:05:31] Enjoy our conversation with Dave Colina. Dave, welcome to The Ready State Podcast. It’s great to see you, my friend. How are you?
Dave Colina: [00:05:38] Hey, it’s good to see you guys too. I’m doing well. How are you doing?
Juliet: [00:05:41] We’re great.
Kelly: [00:05:42] Last time I saw you, it’s 100 degrees, and you were walking around the CrossFit Games saving people’s lives. I think this is literally the last time I ran into you and you gave me the dopest wolf shirt with O2.
Dave Colina: [00:05:55] Isn’t that great?
Kelly: [00:05:56] And I came back home and people were like, “What happened to you?” I’m like, “I went to Wisconsin, I got taken care of.” It’s great to see you again.
Juliet: [00:06:03] I also have the wolf tank top. I have the tank top version and it’s an amazing shirt.
Dave Colina: [00:06:08] That is my favorite.
Kelly: [00:06:09] Where are you coming, talking to us from right now?
Dave Colina: [00:06:12] Boulder, Colorado.
Juliet: [00:06:12] Yes. Did you know that’s where I grew up?
Dave Colina: [00:06:15] I did, actually. Kelly shared that with me. You guys have still got some family here.
Juliet: [00:06:19] Yeah. Hey to Boulder, hey to Boulder.
Dave Colina: [00:06:21] What’s up, Boulder?
Kelly: [00:06:22] Is O2 headquartered in Boulder?
Dave Colina: [00:06:25] We are technically headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, which is where I started the company out of my car way back when. But we’ve always been remote. So I live in Boulder. I’ve got team members here. I’ve got team members back in Ohio, team members back on the West Coast, East Coast, we’re all over the place.
Kelly: [00:06:42] That’s crazy. And you’re currently also teaching at the business school at Boulder, is that right?
Dave Colina: [00:06:47] Dude, semester just wrapped up. I’m stoked. Yeah.
Juliet: [00:06:50] Okay, we’re going to have to get to that. But-
Dave Colina: [00:06:51] Yeah, nothing like two jobs.
Juliet: [00:06:52] I really want to ask a lot of questions about that actually. But before we get to that, I’m just going to go back in time to what you just said, which was you started O2 out of the back of your car.
Kelly: [00:07:03] Is that how most revolutionary brands start?
Juliet: [00:07:06] Well, I mean think about Sinyard of Specialized, right?
Kelly: [00:07:09] That’s true.
Juliet: [00:07:09] Mike Sinyard of Specialized, who we also had on our podcast, he’s the CEO and founder of Specialized, he started Specialized by selling bike parts out of the back of his car. So I mean-
Kelly: [00:07:15] Out of his bike.
Juliet: [00:07:17] Yeah, off of his bike actually and then I think a car. By the way, please give us the backstory. How did you start O2, a company which is near and dear to our heart.
Dave Colina: [00:07:26] Yeah. Well, thank you. So it’s a lot less glamorous than it sounds, the whole out of the car thing. But I spent the first five years of my career in corporate strategy at a large Fortune 500 financial services company in Columbus, which is where I went to school. And I was happy but not ecstatic there. And about three years into that five-year tenure, I actually was a founding member of a private, nonprofit charter high school in Columbus called Cristo Rey. And so that effectively became my night job for about two and a half years. And I still became this pretty demanding day job. And I was mid to late 20s at the time, had a pretty active, healthyish lifestyle, and found myself fueling this around the clock work with just a tremendous amount of unhealthy sports drinks. And so coming out of the school project, that was a really gratifying feeling. That was like the first time I had actually built something that wasn’t just a PowerPoint. And as an aside on that school, we actually are celebrating our 10 year anniversary this month, which is super cool. I kind of caught a bug for building stuff. And so like a lot of first time entrepreneurs, I decided to scratch my own itch and look for something that I wish existed, a healthier version of all the Gatorade and Powerade that I was sucking down. But I just couldn’t find it. So I said, you know what, I’ll make it myself, how hard can that be? And those were my famous last words.
Juliet: [00:008:53] So I don’t know a ton about the beverage business, but I know a little bit about it.
Kelly: [00:08:58] I know enough to stay away from it.
Juliet: [00:08:59] Yeah, I know enough to stay away from it. And I know that it is-
Dave Colina: [00:09:02] Yeah, smart. That’s all you need to know, really.
Juliet: [00:09:03] It is a very difficult, very competitive… You must have known this going into it, having a business background.
Dave Colina: [00:09:10] One would think.
Juliet: [00:09:12] But do you think, I mean you said you’d been drinking unhealthy sports drinks, and were you just looking at the market and there was nothing available that fit the need you had, so ultimately you were trying to solve a problem, which is the greatest way to start a business?
Dave Colina: [00:09:25] Yeah. And I think that the naïveté that a lot of entrepreneurs have going into something is probably a good thing because if I knew now what I wish I would have known then, we probably wouldn’t be having this conversation. Because it is tough. It’s really hard to compete in this space.
Kelly: [00:09:42] You should start a stretching business instead.
Dave Colina: [00:09:45] Perfect. Let’s go. Anything but CPG. But it’s tough, especially when you don’t have much money behind you, you don’t have a special sort of angle. I was a little naïve in thinking, look, if I just build the best product humanly possible, which I still to this day truly think that we have with O2, if I just build the best product possible, then the rest will take care of itself. And unfortunately, in our space—food and beverage—the best product isn’t always the product that wins. A lot of times it’s the best marketing that wins. And it’s taken me a while to really fully accept that and hone my and my team’s marketing skills.
Kelly: [00:10:26] I don’t know, Mountain Dew Extreme Strawberry Vomit Explosion is really tasty.
Juliet: [00:10:31] Yeah, I mean I would say we relate to that so much as well though in our own space. I mean I think we know and have known we have a good product and we know that it is led by the best. But oftentimes, the biggest challenge for us is the marketing piece also because-
Dave Colina: [00:10:50] Yeah, totally.
Juliet: [00:10:50] Like you, we started a business to solve a problem, and we learned a lot about marketing but it certainly wasn’t our area of expertise at all. And on top of it, we don’t really enjoy that part of it.
Dave Colina: [00:11:01] Right. Totally.
Juliet: [00:11:02] So it’s really hard.
Dave Colina: [00:11:03] I get it.
Juliet: [00:11:03] So can you paint more of a picture for us? When you say you started a business out of the back of your car, you’re making beverages, so are you using your home kitchen as a lab to try recipes or how are you actually making-
Dave Colina: [00:11:14] Close. Pretty close.
Juliet: [00:11:15] Yeah, tell us a little bit more. Create the visual picture of what you’re actually doing at this point to get this going.
Dave Colina: [00:11:21] Like I said, a lot less glamorous than people think. So I didn’t want to fully leave my pretty comfy, cushy, day job without having a pretty good idea that I could make something worth leaving my day job for, if that makes sense. So I partnered with a physician, guy named Dr. Dan Ken, he was and still is a medical doctor at Ohio State’s Hospital and he and I developed a formulation that on paper sounded like exactly what we wanted. Very low sugar, only one gram of sugar; two x the electrolytes as Gatorade; nothing artificial; a light, clean taste; and super oxygenated because Dan the doctor came across some really compelling research that showed the accelerated effects of ingested oxygen on the liver’s metabolism and subsequently, the body’s recovery time. And so we said, okay, that’s great, how do we take this from on paper to put it inside of a container and make it drinkable? I came from a strategy background. I didn’t know the first thing about CPG. And Dan was a doctor, not a food scientist.
Kelly: [00:12:30] No, no, no, I think it goes step one, concept; step three, profit, right?
Dave Colina: [00:12:36] Yes. I’m still waiting for that step three, man. I’m looking forward to that. But we ended up calling a bunch of people in the industry who all basically laughed at two kids with no background in food and beverage and wanting to make this pretty different product. And so we said screw it, we’ll just come up with the prototype on our own. And so we ended up purchasing a used bar gun from a restaurant supply store in Columbus. We swapped out the tank of CO2 that it came with, with a tank of O2 that Dan may or may not have gotten from the hospital. And we bought some ingredients on Amazon, just some flavoring and salts, stuff like that. And we whipped it all together and we had a prototype. So the first prototype that we made, we bottled it ourselves, we labeled it ourselves.
Kelly: [00:13:27] Incredible.
Dave Colina: [00:13:27] And we started selling it to friends and family. And word spread, and before we knew it, the Ohio State Men’s Basketball Team was requesting it by the case, even though that prototype tasted terrible. Everyone was like, man, this tastes like saltwater, but this actually works. And so at that point, I was like, okay, we can fix the taste problem if we can get some professionals to help us out here. We got the function down. This is now worth leaving my day job for, which is what I did.
Kelly: [00:13:57] Wait, wait, what flavor was the original?
Juliet: [00:13:58] Yeah, what was it?
Dave Colina: [00:14:00] Oh man. It was like, I don’t know, a generic lemon type flavor. Citrusy. Citrus Amazon lemon.
Kelly: [00:14:07] Trident original.
Juliet: [00:14:09] Whatever citrusy flavor we could order on Amazon was what it was.
Dave Colina: [00:14:13] That’s right.
Juliet: [00:14:13] So one of the things that I think you have done, which is so revolutionary in this sports drink market, is put all your drinks in aluminum cans versus in plastic bottles. And that’s one of the reasons that we’ve been huge fans of what you’re doing, is-
Kelly: [00:14:32] Let me break it down for people. There are plenty of drinks in cans, but one of your products is water, still water, mineral water, that’s in a can. That’s really where-
Juliet: [00:14:44] And so if you could just talk a little bit about that decision, what motivated it, why it’s different from what’s out there. Because we get it, we’re fans, but tell us a little bit more about the thinking there and the process.
Dave Colina: [00:14:54] Yeah. I mean we’re I guess sort of a point of differentiation. We’re a sports drink in a can. And there are not a lot of sports drinks in cans out there. The primary driver of that today is that we are a completely carbon neutral company and we’re certified carbon neutral or climate neutral and that’s something we’re really proud of. And that touches everything from how we ship our products to how we offset the carbon associating with shifting our products to what we package in. I’ve been getting pressure to move to plastic bottles from various sources it feels like since day one. But that’s not something that we would consider because plastic is plastic and aluminum cans-
Kelly: [00:15:36] Let me ask you this. I just feel like I want to backtrack. You said sports drink. Define what you mean when you think of the difference between energy drink and sports drink because I think you brought up a really good point. We use this as a hydration beverage, right? And we’ll talk about VO2 and all the fun things that I’ve been able to do with these… O2 slushies I make. But what do you mean by hydration drink? Because I think you brought up something that I wasn’t thinking about, versus energy drink. What does that mean?
Dave Colina: [00:16:07] Yep. So fundamentally, the core of O2 is hydration. We have four flavored products, two of which have caffeine, but two of which don’t. And all four of those flavored products have, again, twice the electrolytes, but only one gram of sugar. And then we also have a hydration mix that I can’t remember if we’ve shared this with you guys, that’s basically an electrolyte drink mix, like all of them. And ours has a taste profile that people love. And then we have the water. So a common theme around all of our products is around hydration and it just so happens that two of those drinks have about 100 milligrams of caffeine, which is like a cup of coffee.
Juliet: [00:16:48] How did we get to the point where the standard is these high sugar drinks served in plastic bottles? I mean honestly as a parent, and a parent of an athletic kid, it’s like my worst nightmare, but it still happens. I mean we were just at our kids’ end of the season swim meet last Saturday, and parents were called upon to bring drinks, and that wasn’t what we were called upon to bring, but there were some coolers there filled –still, I’m like wow, it’s 2023—coolers filled with all plastic bottles, single use bottles of water.
Kelly: [00:17:21] Red Gatorade.
Juliet: [00:17:21] And red Gatorade. And I’m scratching my head because I’m like, man, I feel like we’ve been talking about this for 20 years that, A, Gatorade is sugar water and then, B, single use plastic bottles are, A, definitely not okay. So how did we get to this point and why is it still so pervasive?
Dave Colina: [00:17:38] It’s tough, man. I guess one deep concern that I’ve had about O2 for a while is that we may have just been a little bit ahead of our time. And I say that with a lot of humility. And I don’t think that’s going to be the case. But I’m stunned that in 2023 you’re telling me that, but at the same time, I’m not totally surprised. I think that there’s so much legacy in the Gatorade brand and the Powerade brand and just sports drinks in general, it’s almost been burned into consumers’ minds that sports drinks equal high sugar, plastic bottles. And for a while, there hasn’t been a lot of choice in that industry. It’s basically do I want Gatorade or Powerade or now BodyArmor, which is the same stuff, just 45 grams of sugar versus 60. So it’s high sugar, plastic bottle, what flavor do you want? And I think that within the next three to five years I would like to think that there’s going to be a pretty meaningful shift as some stigma starts to hit plastic in the way that it should. I would hope in three to five years that if somebody brought a bunch of red Gatorade to a sports game, they’re kind of looked at a little funny or feeling bad about it, but I think that it just comes down to a lack of options over the course of time. Now there’s more options now and O2’s definitely an option. But our challenge is making people aware that this option exists and it’s tough to do that sometimes.
Juliet: [00:19:10] Right. Because I mean you can still just go to Costco right now and buy flats of Gatorade.
Dave Colina: [00:19:15] Totally.
Juliet: [00:19:16] There’s a cost efficiency there you can see.
Dave Colina: [00:19:19] Totally.
Juliet: [00:19:20] But you’re right. I mean if I just think about my own marketplaces and at least I have other ideas and other options, but if you just think about the average parent, they’re like, okay, well, I’ve been tasked with providing these drinks, this is an athletic event, I’ve learned over the years that it’s supposed to be this red sugar water and here I can get it for cheap at Costco. I mean you can kind of see the thing. But I mean it is interesting because I don’t know how you can be on social media without seeing the giant plastic island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and micro plastics. I don’t know. it is interesting. I think people are aware. But it has yet to-
Kelly: [00:19:54] Particularly the water.
Juliet: [00:19:55] Yeah, the water.
Kelly: [00:19:55] Let’s just take sports drinks aside. Just those single use plastic water bottles. I mean aluminum, yes it can be more expensive, you have to use it again, takes some energy, but it’s 100 percent reusable, that aluminum.
Dave Colina: [00:20:08] Right. Right. Something like 80 percent of aluminum has been in circulation the last 100 years. It’s crazy.
Kelly: [00:20:13] Holy moly.
Juliet: [00:20:14] I had no idea.
Kelly: [00:20:15] One of the reasons that I think Juliet and I, and I don’t know if we’ve ever talked about this, about our cigarette sponsorships, but Dave, I know you and I have talked about in the past have talked about trying to create alternatives for athletes to move away from big sugar water energy drink gas station penis pills, these energy drinks. Lisa just gave me a look like, oh.
Juliet: [00:20:40] Yeah, okay, wow. We’re going there.
Kelly: [00:20:42] Mark that down, because that’s what they are, these crazy drinks that people have. But a lot of athletes struggle to make ends meet and will accept because it’s their livelihood to support… And I want to just point out that in the view of hypocrisy here we understand where that is. Juliet and I raced and met at the Camel Whitewater World Championships in Chile, which was sponsored by Camel South Africa in 2020.
Dave Colina: [00:21:07] Oh, how funny.
Kelly: [00:21:08] Or 2000.
Juliet: [00:21:08] 2000. Yeah.
Kelly: [00:21:10] And so I mean we took that big cigarette money and was like, yes, we’ll go race and make this case, but we understand that that wasn’t a great thing. Although being sponsored by a cigarette company in this age, it’s pretty dope.
Juliet: [00:21:23] It’s pretty metal. It’s kind of metal.
Kelly: [00:21:23] It says metal. And it definitely says that Juliet and I both turn 50 this year. But one of the things that O2 is trying to do is create an alternative marketplace for those athletes. Because right now there is no other solution. I mean how do you get sponsored, how do you make a living? Is that on your mind? Are you aware of that? And how is that going?
Dave Colina: [00:21:44] Definitely aware of that. I mean it’s tough, man. My heart goes out to athletes, particularly in the CrossFit field which is where we’re probably most dominant as a brand because it’s really, really tough to monetize your professionalism as an athlete. And I know a few of them do it, but most of them don’t. And with the brands that are most prominent in our space, there’s not a lot of cash to go around to a bunch of different athletes. And I think that as those brands grow, O2 being one of them, it’s definitely something that should grow with the brand. But boy, it’s tough to compete with like, I don’t know, Monster, right, in terms of their ability to shell out tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars to just a handful of athletes when our marketing budget is one ten thousandth of theirs. So it’s a problem.
Juliet: [00:22:45] Yeah, I mean we learned that even outside of the CrossFit space, when you’re looking at Olympians and people who are more recreational type athletes, that it’s something like $30,000 or $40,000 is all they actually need a year to not have to have a job and train for the Olympics. And if you think about it, everybody thinks of these huge athletes that are making massive amounts of money but I mean, you’re right, the CrossFit space is just a microcosm of what happens in all athletics. There’s always going to be a few athletes who get fabulously wealthy and then a ton of athletes who literally can’t make it, including Olympians who need to work at Home Depot or have other jobs in order to actually train to be Olympians.
Kelly: [00:23:29] We became O2 aware because someone out of the goodness of their hearts sent us a case of O2 and it was lime O2 and it was I think-
Dave Colina: [00:23:49] Oh baby.
Kelly: [00:23:40] Pre-pandemic and all of a sudden, it just showed up with no strings attached, said, hey, you’re in our space, give this a shot. And I remember being like, I love this.
Juliet: [00:23:49] Yeah, was that you or was that someone else? Okay, I thought it was you directly but-
Dave Colina: [00:23:53] I’m sure that was me. Yeah.
Kelly: [00:23:56] And there was no caffeine, which was a big deal for me because sometimes I…. look, we love LMNT, we love drinking water, I love drinking water, I love coffee, but sometimes, as I say, I just want to be entertained in my mouth.
Juliet: [00:24:07] Well, the other thing too is that we have a fridge in our garage and we have a drink fridge in our house and whatever drinks we have around, if they’re in a can, they will be drank by our kids and their friends, the teenagers arounds. So we want it to be something we feel good about.
Dave Colina: [00:24:23] Yeah. Totally.
Juliet: [00:24:23] Saying if any kid comes into our garage and opens our garage fridge and it’s full of O2, we feel good about any kid taking it. Tell us the backstory of just peppering it out there in the world.
Kelly: [00:24:34] How did you get into the CrossFit space as your first test market, if that’s even the case?
Dave Colina: [00:24:38] Dude, those stories go hand in hand. So after I left my day job, I started training pretty intensively in a type of martial arts and self-defense called Krav Maga. And I was doing that, I don’t know, probably two to three classes a night for a long time. And as I started to get more and more into that, I started to coach Krav Maga. And the gym that I was coaching at, the studio that I was coaching at, also had a CrossFit gym attached to it. And so I was… Some of the Krav Maga coaches also coached CrossFit and there was a little bit of cross pollination there and so I was getting a lot of pressure to try CrossFit. I thought, oh my God, these CrossFit people are insane throwing barbells around. All the while, I’m getting punched in the face on a regular basis. But eventually I did. And I loved it.
And as part of that entry into CrossFit, somebody told me about this guy on YouTube who’s doing all this mobility stuff called Mobility WOD. And this was like 2013 maybe, 2012, 2013, something like that. And so I developed a routine where most mornings I’d spend 10 minutes watching Kelly do a couch stretch and suffering through it while he did it on YouTube. And so I’ve been a huge KStar and now JStar fan for a while. And 2014 is when I first started coaching CrossFit and that also is when I guess V1of O2 launched and so that became sort of our entry point into the CrossFit market. I didn’t have a ton of retailers lined up, I didn’t have any retailers lined up for O2. We had just enough money to pay me as the only fulltime employee $2,000 a month.
Kelly: [00:26:28] Killing it.
Dave Colina: [00:26:28] And didn’t have anyone else doing the work. Yeah, just murdering it, right? And so I did whatever any scrappy entrepreneur to do, which is beg my friends who own gyms to start selling our product. And they did, initially as a favor to me, but it turned out it did really, really well in that environment, and that’s how we got our start in CrossFit. So year one we ended up selling in 50ish CrossFit gyms in Ohio and now we’re in 2,500 gyms across the country, give or take.
Juliet: [00:26:54] Hey Ready State listeners, if you like what you’re hearing, please subscribe and leave a review on iTunes to help others find our show.
Juliet: [00:27:02] This episode of The Ready State Podcast is brought to you by Momentous.
Kelly: [00:27:07] I want to talk to you today about something that happens during periods of stress, periods of injury and surgery when you’re not moving very much. We see that those times people are losing a lot of weight and they lose a lot of lean muscle mass and they don’t have to.
Juliet: [00:27:21] Yeah, I mean we actually have a kid in our neighborhood who broke his back in a skiing accident and thankfully, he’s okay, but it’s been three weeks and already lost, what, 20 pounds?
Kelly: [00:27:29] He’s down 20 pounds. So one of the things that we know can make a big difference during a time of inactivity, so if you know you’re about to go do something where you can’t move or injury, surgery, same thing, my activity has dropped, up your protein. The research is pretty good that if we can get you above one gram per pound bodyweight, it’s an easy way to signal to keep it on. In fact, International Track and Field recommendations, sport recommendations, this is from the top down, saying hey, look, during times of injury and surgery or off time, ramp up your protein. Sometimes it’s hard for people to do that. He was struggling to get his protein minimums, discovered that whey didn’t agree with him very well. He switched to a plant based protein, which is totally fine, and turns out Momentous has great plant based protein too.
Juliet: [00:28:18] It’s so good and it actually tastes great and really is easy on the stomach, especially for people who don’t tolerate the whey protein as well. So go and check out Momentous protein. We’re huge fans. We drink it every day. And we’re also fans of their vegetarian/vegan proteins. Go to and use code TRS for 20 percent off your first purchase.
Juliet: [00:28:43] And are you also in more traditional retail like stores because back to my Costco example, it seems like at some point you guys are going to want to go nuclear explosion in order to be able to compete against those other brands.
Dave Colina: [00:28:56] Yeah, we’ve gone into that more traditional retail environment in the past. We got a little too excited about it and so we’ve subsequently pulled back. So we entered Kroger in 2018, 2019, first in about 100, 200 stores in Ohio and were just killing it. Sales higher than BodyArmor and sometimes Gatorade at a price point that was like two, three times x. So we were killing it. And then Kroger said we’re going to put you everywhere. And we were then everywhere in Kroger, the pandemic hit, and we didn’t have the sales staff or marketing to support it. And that year goes by and it just was far too expensive for us to be able to continue justifying trying to make a move in traditional retail all across the country. So we’ve pulled back.
We’ve got a regional concentration in the Midwest and MidAtlantic area in Whole Foods and then we’ve got another regional concentration in Publix in Florida. Outside of that, there’s no traditional retail, not really. One thing that we’ve been preparing for is this year to make a more concerted push back into traditional retail now that we have this revamped packaging, which I don’t know if we’ve sent you guys some of these sweet new cans, but they’re awesome and we’re really proud of it. And that packaging has tested incredibly high on consumer purchasing. So now we feel like we’ve got the ability to compete in retail without having a ton of marketing and sales staff dollars to put behind it. And so we’re pretty excited about that opportunity later this year.
Kelly: [00:30:35] You came to being an entrepreneur with a finance background, which is 100 percent more finance training than Juliet and I had.
Dave Colina: [00:30:44] None of mine has come in handy, just so you know.
Kelly: [00:30:47] Being a CEO is its own thing. Being an entrepreneur and innovator is its own thing. You’re now teaching, currently you’re wrapping up the semester teaching at the Boulder, and again, full disclosure, I’m a See Ya, Buff. So I know exactly where you’re going.
Dave Colina: [00:31:00] Hey yo. Let’s go Buffs
Kelly: [00:31:02] Let’s go buffs. Mess ‘em up, go CU. What is it you’re teaching to these young people because you’re in the middle of it and I’m interested to hear you would say you would go back or what skills. Because I’m like, Juliet, you should’ve gotten an MBA is what you probably would’ve used for, at least some accounting.
Juliet: [00:31:18] That would’ve been useful, yeah.
Kelly: [00:31:19] I probably could’ve used a little bit more training in something else.
Juliet: [00:31:20] Yeah. I would’ve had to do a lot less figuring it out, which I think every entrepreneur has to do that. And everyone’s like isn’t your lawyer background so helpful in being an entrepreneur? I’m like, actually being a river guide was way more helpful in being an entrepreneur than being a lawyer.
Kelly: [00:31:37] That’s right.
Dave Colina: [00:31:37] See, I totally believe that, and I would believe that if you told me you had an MBA already too because I feel like no matter what you study and what you read, nothing can really prepare you for what lies ahead.
Juliet: [00:31:51] That is true.
Dave Colina: [00:31:51] All the glory of becoming an entrepreneur.
Kelly: [00:31:54] What do you think your biggest blind spots were as the head of we’ll call it a subversive brand trying to change the narrative? What would you or how would you have done or what were your blind spots or what surprised you?
Dave Colina: [00:32:08] Well, I definitely underestimated the importance of packaging, design, aesthetics, communication, marketing, all the stuff that we probably, the three of us now feel fairly well-versed in.
Kelly: [00:32:22] The two of you, yes.
Dave Colina: [00:32:22] Obviously, it’s important what your brand name is. I definitely underestimated how important that was in our industry. Again, I thought, look, as long as you make just an incredible product, which we did and we have, as long as you do that, the rest will take care of itself, which it doesn’t.
Juliet: [00:32:39] No.
Dave Colina: [00:32:39] You’ve got to do a lot to get people aware and subsequently compelled to buy your incredible product. So that was one. And then two is just the leadership lessons that come with assembling, managing, building, leading a team over time. I definitely underestimated the difficulty there. There has been a lot of growing pains for me personally. But all this stuff, and this is one of the first things that I tell my students at the top of the semester, all these pains, these growing pains… I think it was James Clear that said something like, “Entrepreneurship is a personal growth accelerator.” That is totally true. Totally true. So all these things that I was naïve about or underestimated or wish I would have done differently have made me ultimately a better human being, and that’s something I’m really grateful for.
Kelly: [00:33:32] Go out and do that with your best friend/partner and let me know how that goes.
Juliet: [00:33:36] I would just like to say that I was honored that you asked in part of your rebrand for me to have a look at your updated designs.
Dave Colina: [00:33:42] Well, thank you.
Juliet: [00:33:43] And that was really fun to do. I loved it.
Dave Colina: [00:33:46] Good.
Juliet: [00:33:46] And I had kind of a gut reaction to some of them, which is exactly what you want to go to, and as a consumer I’m definitely aware of how much I care actually about the design and how things look. Even with books, it’s an ongoing joke Kelly and I have our whole entire marriage that Kelly reads all these books that are a certain… Now he mostly is listening to audiobooks, but when he was reading more actual physical books, he would always read books that were in a certain shape and then they would have dragons and stuff on the front.
Kelly: [00:34:17] I’m sorry, are you talking about Games of Thrones?
Juliet: [00:34:18] Well, I did end up reading and loving Games of Thrones.
Kelly: [00:34:20] Song of Fire and Ice, is that what you’re denigrating? No one’s read those.
Juliet: [00:34:25] But I mean as a consumer, I care a lot about just little things, like how packaging looks.
Dave Colina: [00:34:30] Yeah, we all do.
Juliet: [00:34:30] And anyway, it was fun to look at that stuff.
Kelly: [00:34:32] And that was Melisandre, okay?
Juliet: [00:34:33] And we haven’t actually seen live the new cans.
Dave Colina: [00:34:38] Oh, I’ll get you guys some. I mean it sounds so nerdy to say this but I am so proud of how these turned out. I mean it’s not terribly nerdy because that was a 14-month process from start to finish.
Kelly: [00:34:53] I don’t know why it takes you all so long as the CEOs.
Juliet: [00:34:55] Okay, can I just tell you a story?
Dave Colina: [00:34:57] It’s just like get it together guys, you know?
Juliet: [00:34:59] So Kelly and I come to the decision at some point that we want to rebrand Mobility WOD to The Ready State. We’ve made the decision. We’re like we’re going to do this and we’re going to become The Ready State.
Kelly: [00:35:10] I’d say it was on a Friday.
Juliet: [00:35:10] And then that was like on a Friday. And Kelly was like, “Hey, so- “
Dave Colina: [00:35:14] You were done by Monday.
Juliet: [00:35:14] Kelly was like, “Hey, why aren’t we done with this. Why haven’t we just done this rebrand?” And I was like, “Hey, Kelly, there’s this thing in the world called details and you have to know about them.” But yeah, I mean we went through that process and it was even longer than 14 months and, wow, we learned a lot and it was painful, but it was also so worth it, one of the best decisions we’ve ever made.
Dave Colina: [00:35:34] A hundred percent. And I think that it can be a lot easier, a lot faster, if you don’t already have an established business, an established brand. But man, you’ve got email flows, you’ve got a website, you’ve got customers who know you as one thing and now you’re telling them you’re something else. That is a big, intensive process. But we were fortunate in that about midway through that process—I can’t remember if I told you guys about this, you probably heard about it one way or another—but we basically got stood up at the alter on our wedding day in our first venture backed fundraise that was supposed to close in early October. And that was a multi-million dollar fundraise. It was the first time that we were going to be fully funded the way that we really needed to and I think deserved to. And we got totally screwed at the last minute. The same week that the money was supposed to hit the bank, the fund backed out for no good reason after all this time and energy and dollars were spent getting the deal done.
So that was a moment for us where with all parts of the business including this rebrand, I was forced, really forced, to ask myself, okay, if I were doing this from scratch all over again knowing what I know now, what would this look like? The answers were kind of uncomfortable sometimes. Had implications on the team, had implications on the business model, had implications on the branding. But man, even though that was a painful exercise to go through at the time, that’s something that I’m very, very enthusiastic about just doing that on a regular basis, hopefully outside of different crisis because it’s so important to ask yourself, all right, knowing what I know now, not the me of 10 years ago, but all this schooling that I’ve gone through with respect to growing this brand, what if I were doing this from scratch, and then kind of surprise yourself every now and then, I think. And for us it was, all right, this brand needs to look a lot different, it needs to do the liquid justice, and we need to move forward with this as planned.
Kelly: [00:37:38] Wait, wait. Did I just come up with a new drink called Liquid Justice? Is that what you just said?
Dave Colina: [00:37:41] Ooh, I like that.
Kelly: [00:37:43] That is really an amazing self-reflection exercise, whether it was forced on your or not. Juliet and I talk to small business owners all the time. Until you’re there, until you’re responsible for the health insurance of the people you love and work with every day, it’s a real thing and it’s gritty and gnarly and always feels like you’re taking a lot of hits. We read the book Shoe Dog.
Dave Colina: [00:38:10] Oh, great book.
Kelly: [00:38:11] And I recommend that to anyone who wants to start a little business-like Nike. And you’ll realize how touch and go and tenuous and gnarly and the thousands upon thousands of decisions it takes and the fortitude and belief and I like what I’m doing. And one of the reasons I brought that up is Juliet and I read that book and were like, okay, I’m not crazy, and simultaneously it really crystallized with us that we want to do work with people we really like. That has to be part of this thing, right? Yes, it would be nice to retire one day but really, I think as a core value for us, we get to work, our staff is insane, we like the people we work with, we like the day-to-day aspects of it. And you have to have that satisfaction there because as you saw-
Dave Colina: [00:39:00] Totally.
Kelly: [00:39:00] You can lose yourself in the story of growth and all of a sudden, you’ve lost a decade of your life.
Dave Colina: [00:39:08] I think that’s right. And it’s funny you say that because when I look back at the decision to leave my day job and go into something as uncertain, shaky, rattling as creating a drink, that was a big part of it. Because I remember doing the math around what percent of my waking hours, not total hours, but my waking, conscious hours are spent at work versus how I want to be spending them outside of work. And I was not really happy with my lack of ability to control who I worked with and the types of people around me at work. And I did that math and it was something like 70 or 80 percent of my waking hours, including the weekends, were spent working. And I was working by and large with people who… Some people I loved, but lot of people, I didn’t. And I was just like, you know what, that doesn’t make any sense. I’m spending 70, 80 percent of my time with people who I don’t love all of them and some of them I really don’t love and I would much rather be able to curate who I spend my time with in my waking hours.
Juliet: [00:40:20] Yeah, I think that’s big.
Dave Colina: [00:40:21] It’s sometimes easier said than done but it’s so important. It’s so important. And it makes all these struggles and challenges so much more meaningful if you can do it in the trenches with people you love. And that’s what I feel really proud about O2 is who we’ve put on the team and how we work together. It’s awesome.
Juliet: [00:40:39] The other thing I just wanted to make a fine point about that you mentioned that we share with you is the idea of starting a business while you keep your day job. And that is something I’m a huge fan of and it could just be because I’m a financially conservative person so I’m willing to take risks, but up to a point. And when we started our business, we already had kids and we were hoping to buy a house and we didn’t have family money or family support or anything. So we needed to figure out how we could take as much risk as possible but not too much risk that we would get ourselves in some kind of trouble. And so it worked so well for us both. We sort of did it in two waves where Kelly left his physical therapy practice and then I left my law practice. But I mean we had a lot of years where we were doing both things. But I mean I look back and I don’t even know if we did that consciously. I don’t think we felt like we had a choice to do it any other way. But I look back and I’m so grateful for that choice we made because we were really able in some ways to grow our business.
Kelly: [00:41:41] And do the right thing for the right reason.
Juliet: [00:41:41] And do the right thing for the right reason and grow organically and learn and take some early risk that I think if we had started with the business plan and raised money and did it the more traditional way, it just wouldn’t have been such a nice ride.
Dave Colina: [00:41:55] Yeah. I think that’s right. And I think that that gives you a little bit more freedom and flexibility in your decision making. I mean there’s so many external pressures on you all the time as an entrepreneur that the last thing you need is internal pressures around being able to pay rent or your mortgage or whatever. Keeping one foot in the day job door alleviates that and until you know it’s a prudent decision to really go all in. And I kind of teach that concept to a degree at CU Boulder in that you want to be damn sure that people who aren’t your friends and family would be willing to give you money for whatever product or service you’re offering before you truly go-
Juliet: [00:42:41] All in.
Dave Colina: [00:42:42] All in on it. Imagine that. Right.
Juliet: [00:42:44] So we talked about it a little bit, but can you just give more backstory on how it came to be that you were teaching a class at the business school at CU and what’s it called? What are you doing? I mean I know it’s not entrepreneurship.
Dave Colina: [00:42:57] They’ll let anyone in there. So I came to Boulder about two years ago. And I just happened to have a decent network of people out here. And so one of the things that I shared with a friend of mine who’s really well networked is that I had a desire to get back in the classroom. One of my very early mentors in college was a guy named Jay Dial and he taught this incredible course that I just got so much out of and I subsequently was a TA for him. I loved doing that. And since I started O2, I’d done some guest lecturing at OSU when I was still living in Columbus. I love that. Teaching and coaching and leading, I think all these things have a lot in common. And so I really just enjoyed being to share a lot of times my failures and my mistakes with other people in an effort to help them avoid doing the same thing.
And so I was invited to guest lecture at CU Boulder in one of their MBA classes by the program director of the entrepreneurship program. And he really enjoyed what I had to say. He and I had a lot in common. He was also an operator. And then I was invited back and then I did some stuff for the undergrad program and before I knew it, I was an assistant teacher last semester and then this semester has been my first experience leading the class, which has been a hell of a ride, for sure.
Juliet: [00:44:20] And what has surprised you the most about working with students?
Dave Colina: [00:44:23] Besides the fact that they’ll let anyone do this it feels like, it hasn’t been a ton of surprises. It has been a ton of work, for sure. And I joke about the quality of instructors. Outside of me, it’s a really established, high caliber group of people who are teaching these classes. And there’s a good amount of structure that’s suggested to you by the program, but they also make it very clear that, hey, you’re the CEO of your own classroom, you can do whatever you want. So I structured this in a way that I wish I would’ve gone through when I was doing undergrad, which was make it as practical as possible.
Kelly: [00:45:03] And this is why you’re coaching there and teaching there, by the way.
Dave Colina: [00:45:05] I like to think so. I mean at this point, I like to think I knew a thing or two about the subject material. But I started the class with just a lecture on the importance of culture and teamwork and the type of environment that we were going to have in that class, and this is no longer a class but it’s a team. And then, the team broke out into 10 teams, five to six people each, and started working on an actual business plan for either a product or a service over the course of a semester. And our final, so to speak, was a Shark Tank like presentation by these 10 teams where they all got up and did a five-minute pitch in front of a group of local venture capitalists that I invited in to judge them.
Kelly: [00:45:50] Oh, it’s so great.
Dave Colina: [00:45:50] And they all did so great. And there’s some real businesses in this class. I’m like, guys, if you want to make this happen, man, I’ll help you fundraise a little bit. So it’s just a really cool experience.
Kelly: [00:46:01] You feel like this is one of those things where it’s so gnarly being an entrepreneur, you’re like come be an entrepreneur with me because then you can see how gnarly my life is?
Dave Colina: [00:46:10] No, no, in fact, I feel like I talk them out of it.
Kelly: [00:46:13] I don’t even remember being entrepreneur savvy. We had friends who had businesses in college. I had a lot of small businesses, mowing lawns, fixing bikes, things like that. My whole life I always had something like that. And then we started teaching kayaking and guiding and that was so resource intensive, I couldn’t even imagine starting that own business ourselves. So none of my friends in college… Sometimes I dream about going back and which 50 businesses I would start in college. Small commodity items. Do you feel like there’s an awareness change, like the internet has brought out the influencer, entrepreneur, like kids really see that this is a viable alternative to go working for a big company? Because I know our daughter already has worked for the local pool system.
Juliet: [00:47:05] You know Dave is a subscriber.
Kelly: [00:47:07] I know.
Dave Colina: [00:47:07] I am. I just had one of the cookies earlier today, by the way.
Kelly: [00:47:10] Thank you. Georgia’s Bake Shop shoutout. And your feedback to G has been really important.
Dave Colina: [00:47:16] Good.
Kelly: [00:47:16] But also, she realized that if she took risks, had her own thing-
Juliet: [00:47:21] Yeah, we really didn’t have that as part of our… We didn’t think it was a thing. We really fell into it.
Kelly: [00:47:25] No. But our daughter’s like, oh, here’s an alternative to having a part time job, it’s I create my own business and have a different life. And she sometimes is baking late.
Juliet: [00:47:35] I know you’re trying to ask Dave a question, but I do think the barrier to entry is so much lower, in part because of simple things like Shopify. Georgia could go on-
Dave Colina: [00:47:44] Totally. Totally.
Juliet: [00:47:45] And in 10 minutes on her own create a Shopify site and with a little bit of help a website and be able to accept credit cards. I mean there’s certain things from a technology standpoint that have lowered the barrier of entry so much that it’s relatively easy to get something very small started anyway.
Kelly: [00:48:01] That’s true. I mean just those early credit card machines that took so much of our overhead away. Do you see that the kids are just sort of more prepared to be young business owners and entrepreneurs than say our generation?
Dave Colina: [00:48:16] I don’t know. I’ve got mixed thoughts on that. So Juliet, you asked one of the things or if there’s anything that has surprised me about the students a few moments ago. And one thing that did surprise me is a lot of these kids did not think of themselves as entrepreneurs. So if you were to poll the class out of 50 some kids and say, “How many of you are entrepreneurs or have done something entrepreneurial in the past?” Maybe five to seven hands shot up. And that’s something we did towards the end of class. But I had to remind them because one of the other things we did towards the beginning of class was I just had them fill out a little worksheet and asked have you ever done anything entrepreneurial or have you ever had a little business? And so many of them had done a lemonade stand or lawn mowing service or graphic design service for friends or whatever. So many of them had done something where some stranger gave them money for a product or a service. And that’s entrepreneurship. That’s definitely categorized. That falls into what we’re talking about. But many of them didn’t think of themselves as entrepreneurs. And I think that part of that has to do with the fact that, yeah, barriers to entry are so low to getting into this. Takes 10 minutes to set up a Shopify store, takes 10 minutes to put up a Facebook ad. But at the same time, I think the younger generations see so many people who are just Instagram killing it online that it becomes a little bit intimidating to want to put yourself out there unless you’re a Kardashian.
Kelly: [00:49:59] I can relate to that.
Dave Colina: [00:50:00] You know? So I don’t know is the short answer to that question.
Juliet: [00:50:05] Yeah, I mean I feel mixed about it. I had a friend’s kid who graduated from high school a few years ago and he said to me, “You know what’s so cool? Eighty percent of the graduating class of my school, the kids want to go into entrepreneurship.” And the skeptical part of me was like, yeah, except for it’s only appropriate for like two percent of people.
Dave Colina: [00:50:25] Totally.
Juliet: [00:50:27] Because for me, I think more of it is a lot of grit and resilience and work pain tolerance and definitely debunking the idea that it’s a lifestyle kind of job.
Dave Colina: [00:50:34] I think that’s right.
Juliet: [00:50:35] But yeah, I mean it is interesting that a lot of those students, even though they’re in a formal business program, don’t have that view of themselves. It’s interesting.
Dave Colina: [00:50:42] Yeah, you’ve got to know how to take a punch for sure because there are many of them that will be had.
Kelly: [00:50:50] Dave, we’re such O2 fans, and I just want to say everyone, grab the caffeine-free lime, dump it in a blender with some ice, in the summer it is my go-to in the sauna.
Juliet: [00:50:59] It’s like a savior.
Kelly: [00:51:00] It is that thing I come back from a ride and my body core temperature because my surface to volume ratio is-
Juliet: [00:51:06] Is like one million degrees.
Kelly: [00:51:07] One million degrees. And I start fantasizing about the slushie O2 lime on the way down. And literally, there’s so many times when I’m like, oh, if I can just get over this hill, I’m on the way down to the slushie O2 lime.
Juliet: [00:51:21] Not to mention you theoretically could add some tequila to it and it would also be lovely.
Dave Colina: [00:51:24] Theoretically.
Kelly: [00:51:24] TO2.
Juliet: [00:51:26] Theoretically I mean you wouldn’t endorse anything about that?
Dave Colina: [00:51:29] Of course not. Of course not.
Kelly: [00:51:31] Where can people… You can sell right to consumers.
Dave Colina: [00:51:34] We do. We do.
Kelly: [00:51:36] You can get it drop shipped to your house, which is so fun. I love that. Where do people find out about O2 and sort of also go along with this ride of let’s create an alternative to big sugar soda, let’s create an alternative and get rid of every plastic bottle on the planet? I mean really, the core mission, I think it’s so amazing. Where can people be part of that?
Dave Colina: [00:51:57] I think is a pretty good place to start. And we’re two weeks past having done this rebrand so still getting a few kinks ironed out. The blog will be coming soon, I’m sure. But You can also buy O2 on Amazon. And then we’re doing some fun stuff on our Instagram and TikTok, which is O2 Hydration.
Juliet: [00:52:18] And then before we let you go, what are you looking forward to, either personally or professionally?
Dave Colina: [00:52:22] Oh man, that’s such a good question. Honestly, so I’ve got like, I don’t know, five to seven more papers to grade to get this semester done with, so I’m really looking forward to being done with that, personally and professionally.
Juliet: [00:52:36] Awesome. Dave, it was so fun to see you and chat you up. Thank you so much for being here.
Dave Colina: [00:52:41] Yeah. It’s great spending time with you guys.
Kelly: [00:52:42] Thank you, sir.
Dave Colina: [00:52:43] Thank you.
Kelly: [00:52:50] Thank you for listening to The Ready State Podcast. If you like what you’re hearing, check out all our episodes here or at And be sure to subscribe or leave a review on iTunes to help others find our show.
Juliet: [00:53:01] Check us out and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @thereadystate.
Kelly: [00:53:06] Until next time, cheers everyone.
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