Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Very complex problem with squat pattern…..this will put a lot of people to the test!!! Re: Very complex problem with squat pattern…..this will put a lot of people to the test!!!

John CarriereJohn Carriere

You sound identical to me. If I go wider I eliminate the Butt wink but narrower it comes back. Same type of pain associated with the tilt too. That being said… Butt wink is NEVER good (not obvious?). It’s always a tell of some problem. For me its tight hips and hamstrings coupled with god aweful ankle mobility.

A note on Ankle mobility…do you squat with Oly shoes? I do to pick up the slack of my bad ankles until my mobility improves. I’ve noticed while using the shoes I can eliminate my butt wink to a far greater depth than if I don’t. It’s not 100% but I can get my hips below knees.
As for the hips, if you know that’s your problem hammer it daily…maybe even twice a day if it’s that bad. Also don’t discount your adductors; I did for a long time and it turns out its my worst goat, not even my hips.
also, Do you butt wink while air squatting ?