AvatarPatrick Thomas

Have you let your chiropractor know you aren’t seeing improvements?

Has thoracic outlet syndrome been ruled out?
Episode 86: New Shoulder Mob Zulu: First Rib Love
Episode 257: Athletic Thoracic Outlet

The scalenes are 3 pairs of muscles in the lateral neck.
They are innervated (to communicate nervous energy to; stimulate through nerves) by the fourth, fifth, and sixth cervical spinal nerves (C4-C6).

The brachial plexus and subclavian artery pass between the anterior and middle scalenes. The middle scalenes descend along the side of the  vetebral column to insert by a broad attachment into the upper surface of the first rib, between the tubercle and the subclavian groove. The brachial plexus passes anterior to the middle scalenes.

The dorsal scapular nerve arises from the brachial plexus usually from the plexus root of the cervical nerve C5. Once the nerve leaves C5 it commonly pierces the middle scalene muscle, and continues deep to levator scapulae and the rhomboids (minor superior to major). It provides motor innervation to the rhomboid muscles which pull the scapula towards the spine and levator scapulae muscle which elevates the scapula.

Has anyone looked at your scapula placement when standing at attention?
When the dorsal scapular nerve is injured the scapula on the injured side is located farther from the midline than the uninjured scapula. When this happens the person is unable to pull their shoulder back.
Injury to this nerve may cause the scapula winging. The scap may become laterally displaced with upward rotation.