Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General shoulder pain on ring dips & push-ups but no problem with presses, HSPU, or anything OH??? Re: shoulder pain on ring dips & push-ups but no problem with presses, HSPU, or anything OH???


You are doing different mobilizations, but they are not hitting your trouble area. You may need to look up or down stream of the issue to uncover the root cause of the issue.
Sounds like you could have a load ordering issue or a technique issue. There could be deviations in your technique that are causing the pain.
Have you looked at these episodes?
When Possible, Load Rotation First
Episode 310: Load Ordering the Chesticles, Dipping and Pressing Part 1
Episode 310: Load Ordering the Chesticles, Dipping and Pressing Part 2
Pressing Mechanics and The Knee Pushup Up Disaster/Froning and Bailey Edition
Movement Transfer Exercise: The Pushup & The Slingshot
Episode 236: Overhead Wrist Dysfunction
Episode 34: Bridal MWod: Bride/Operator Shoulders; IR Rotation/Scap Gliding
Get organized first
Episode 309: Getting Organized Before Squatting: The Two-Squat Squat