Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Shoulder instability overhead and clicking noises Re: Shoulder instability overhead and clicking noises

AvatarGeorge McLaney

Ryan, I’d certainly recommend a standing desk if your work situation will allow it. When you drive, you might want to put a lacrosse ball or one of Jill Miller’s Yoga Tune Up balls on various parts of the posterior shoulder and t-spine and get a little motion in there. 

For breathing, check out Jill Miller’s book The Roll Model. 

As David Shen rightly said, spine comes first when it comes to trying to feed slack to the shoulder, and providing stability for it. After this, go after the relationship between the scaplula and shoulder . There are so many useful mob videos for tackling your issues, including: 

(and just search for “t-spine” and “scapula” on MobilityWOD.com)

Also, mobilize the position of restriction. If you’re having overhead issues you need to do some mobility work in the positions that are giving you grief. K-Star has all manner of variations for this. Particularly see the 2nd edition of Becoming a Supple Leopard (the overhead archetype) and the accompanying videos: 

Hopefully some of this helps!