Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Patella tendonitis, rolling/smashing/mobilizing/massaging and no improvment. Re: Patella tendonitis, rolling/smashing/mobilizing/massaging and no improvment.


I’ve been fighting patella tendonitis for 2 years now, and am finally close to  being rid of it.

My advice to you is that you can’t rely on a single methodology for fixing this issue – in this case [Mobility]

One thing that MWOD doesn’t touch on is using the tissues and reinforcing/embedding good movement patterns after you mobilize. Ideally, partaking in a cross-fit class with qualified instructors would take care of this…but the MWOD videos don’t get into that.

Some things to think about:
-Mobility (MWOD)
   *Joint restrictions (ROM, ligaments, tendons)
   *Muscular restrictions (trigger points/adhesions)
   *Sliding surfaces
-Neural system (spine; chiropractor)
-Muscular system (strength/conditioning – through crossfit, personal trainer to address general strength and strength imbalances)
-Neuromuscular system. (combining the above 2 points to work on making proper movement patterns second nature) Consider the following:
   *Compound movements (cross-fit, general weight lifting)
   *Stability/balance oriented movements (yoga)
   *Dynamic movements such as jumping, rolling, etc. (sport specific movements)
-Nutrition (no matter how much you do any of the above, you’re still dealing with soft tissues that require hydration and nutrients to rebuild themselves after use. If you don’t give them water to be supple and nutrients to grow/get strong properly, they’re going to continue to break down no matter what you do.)


What else, beyond mobility issues is contributing to your condition? You’ll need to seek other sources to get that information in a detailed fashion that will have an impact.