Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General One leg-standing to exhaustion causing pain in right leg Re: One leg-standing to exhaustion causing pain in right leg

AvatarNathan Richer

Yes KBs from the Ground Up 2 is a great resource, and the FMS crew loves the TGU for its inherent corrective capabilities.  When people do a lot of TGUs – they don’t even have to be heavy – they find that a whole series of movement patterns often get corrected in order to do the TGU correctly.  Things open up, loosen up.  

There are many pieces to the TGU and you can see the beginning position used here as an opportunity to provide a corrective exercise.  Each position of the TGU has corrective value.  
A lot of people will use or prescribe it as a warmup to other exercise, thereby automatically introducing “corrective value” to the entire body every time they work out.