Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Hip/Back issue: any help would be gratefully received. Re: Hip/Back issue: any help would be gratefully received.

AvatarPatrick Thomas
Have you followed up with the physio you saw at any point?
Have you had anyone address your hip alignment?
Did you resolve your groin pain following running?
You’ve taken a crack at things and not seeing improvement so it is time to take another look at the situation.
If you were not happy with the physio you saw is there someone else you can see who can determine what is going on and set out a plan together to get things moving in a better direction?
Have you watched episodes/daily m|wod on the groin or glutes?
Have you had someone take a look at your running technique?
Turned out foot can indicate missing internal rotation.
One episode to start with (there are several which address IR)