Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Explaning the Anatomy of the Ankles When Using Banded Distractions Re: Explaning the Anatomy of the Ankles When Using Banded Distractions

AvatarNathan Richer

the MWODers did a great 5 part series on the ankle:


perhaps the answer you seek is in there.
if you still have some impingement with the band, make sure the movement of the knee is correct. if you are moving the knee towards the big toe, that is bad and encourages impingement.  it should move towards the outside. one way to ensure it’s moving on the right path is to use a pole. stick it in the inside instep of your foot and hold it vertical. then when you move the knee, make sure you move the knee to the outside of the pole. try that – are you getting better range?