Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Chronic IT band/quad TIGHTNESS and knee pain (chondromalacia patella?) for 6 years! Re: Chronic IT band/quad TIGHTNESS and knee pain (chondromalacia patella?) for 6 years!

AvatarPawan Lalwani

Good to hear Kefu!  I’ve been fairly pain free the last couple weeks but have been on a regimen of stretching and smashing along with my exercise routine.  One legged deadlifts, hamstring curls, x-band walks,some light core exercises, along with smashing the lateral quad and tibialis anterior seem to help the most.  I feel ok as long as I continue the regimen, once I stop the issue seems to reappear.  I went ski mountaineering this past weekend and started to get some lateral knee pain on the descent when we had to hike down a trail with skis on our back.  I’ve noticed some tightness in my adductors, and they are also the first muscle group to start cramping after a hard effort.  Is it possible that the adductors are weak/tight and strengthening them could lengthen them, creating more balance between that group and the glutes.  Seems counter intuitive that strengthening the adductors would help?