Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Back Neck – Reverse Curve Reply To: Neck – Reverse Curve

Kelly StarrettKelly Starrett

Hey Goran,
First: Great advice Fred!
Second: You are already doing a good job here.

The key to the head is to improve the relationship with the thoracic spine and also the shoulders.

So: Global extension: Plexus wheel or a keg would be great to lay over for 5-10 min a breathe.
What is your daily set up? Are you sitting at work when you could be leaning against a bar stool?
Go after your shoulder internal rotation (hang archetype)
We need to get you doing some very slow controlled pressing/planking to get those shoulders to stabilize your neck and t-spine.
Finally: We have had great success working with neuro-muscular dentists around jaw positioning. Guard lab etc. We need make sure you also aren’t grinding your teeth.

You got this.