Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Knee Correcting chronic Internal tibial rotation Reply To: Correcting chronic Internal tibial rotation

AvatarJamie Irving

Hey Michael,

Yeah I have 2 voodoo band and have been using them either daily or every second day depending how sore my joints feel from the previous days mobilisations and have recently starting doing exactly what you said as the majority of my warm up. Lol, Voodoo feels awful, although pain before pleasure. It’s having a short hangover BEFORE a good night out on the booze!

My balance is not optimal and i’ve been advised that i have hip stabilizers, which is obvious. I’m generally doing around 40 mins TRS mobilisations, 10 for warm up and more mob’s in strength rest periods 5-7 days. Additionally a morning routine of traditional stretches, isometrics and isolated eccentrics for 15 mins with no rest periods between sets, as per the physio’s instructions. My hips and calves always seems sore even after 1 days rest and good soft tissue sessions with ball and theragun. Could this be too much volume?