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  • in reply to: New to mobilityWod….where to start #72817

    You can start from the beginning if you want. There really is no bad place to start. The important part is that you are starting. 

    Take care,
    MWOD Coach
    in reply to: New to mobilityWod….where to start #72814


    Welcome to MWOD. 
    In terms of where to start the daily Rx is a great place. Try doing it every day for a month and see how you feel. I would also recommend using your squat, DL position and HS push up or press as a test/retest. By this I mean perform a squat, do some mobility drills and re-test it after. If your squat feels better than you are doing the right stuff. If it feels the same than move on to a different mobilization. 
    In terms of equipment, it sounds like you have enough bands. Get yourself a lax ball, make a peanut or buy a gemini and get some voodoo bands. 
    If you really want a more in-depth understanding of these concepts, I would recommend buying Kelly’s book and reading it over.
    Take care,
    MWOD Coach
    in reply to: Voodoo Floss – Research/Articles? #72813


    As of now there are no research studies that directly look at the Voodoo bands. I think this is something that may eventually add credibility to the product but research is not our focus and is definitely not our area of expertise. 
    In terms of evidence based practice, consider Voodoo Floss in the lowest category, expert opinion. Even though this is the lowest category in the research hierarchy, it is still on the hierarchy for a reason. It’s no secret that research is lagging and typically is heavily swayed by endorsers and where grant money is coming from. It is by no means a perfect system. 
    For the time being we will leave it at this. If you use the Voodoo Floss the way Kelly states in his book/website and it doesn’t work for you then don’t waste your time with it. If it does work, great keep using it. I don’t think you need a randomized control trial to validate the product if it has been working for you.
    Take care,
    MWOD Coach
    in reply to: Smash first or Stretch first ? #72792

    Daniel gave you the perfect link to answer your question, MWOD Pro Video #6. One thing to remember is if you mobilize prior to your workout, use a band. The band helps specifically focus on the joint capsule, which is basically the shrink wrap that surrounds the joint and can cause significant restrictions. Smash, lax ball, gemini, supernova after the workout or before going to sleep.

    Good luck with your training.
    MWOD Coach

    The biggest problem that I see at most Crossfit gyms/collegiate strength and conditioning facilities is the lack of emphasis on strict technique. Most knee collapse during a heavy squat is a motor control issue. It’s more fun to PR on a back squat than it is to spend a training session working with lighter weight and focusing on flawless technique. These technique training sessions are the roots of the concept that practice makes permanent. Lastly, there is a difference between winning and being successful. If you PR on your back squat by 5 lbs you may have won because you have increased your PR number. If your knees caved in like a new born deer and you wrecked your meniscus and cartilage, you were not successful. 

    Drop the weight, check the ego at the door and build your heavier lifts up without sacrificing positioning.
    MWOD Team Member

    You definitely have a lot going on here. My recommendation is to focus on your spine first. Below are a couple videos to check out. Try and normalize the anterior tilt as best as possible. Nothing is changing the spondylolistheis structurally but if you can loosen up your rectus femurs, quadratus lumborum, iliacus and psoas it should offload some of the anterior shear force. Dive into Mwod Pro and learn as much as you can about your movement/injuries. If you still feel overwhelmed check out the Skype consults that are now available to get some eyes on with one of Mwod’s physical therapists.

    Quadratus Lumborum

    Take care,
    MWOD Team Member
    Check out the three videos below. We tend to see feet caving in during the squat for many different reasons. The goal is to be able to express torque through your feet and hips without the need for an orthotic. I agree with your physio in terms of not wearing the orthotics in OLY shoes. Ditch the orthotics and start working on rebuilding your feet.
    Take care,
    MWOD Team Member

    Pro Episode #3 The Flat Feet Solution


    I agree with Kaitlin, it’s probably time to seek out a professional. One thing I would recommend based on the fact that aggressive supernova and quad smashing helps is dry needling. This is basically a very direct technique that work on nasty trigger points that may have developed over a long period of time. What area of the country do you live? I may know a colleague in your area that I could recommend.
    Take care,
    MWOD Team Member
    in reply to: High arch / Pes cavus #72776


    Check out these three videos. Definitely concentrate on the posterior tibialis referenced in the third video. That muscle has a significant role in the arch of the foot. Also, I would recommend trying to mobilize your feet/calves for 10-15 mintues prior to any running or double under work. Also concentrate on the same areas for 10 minutes right after any running activities.  Concentrate on those areas and good luck with your running.
    Take care,

    You basically just described a test we use when evaluating the neck called the shoulder abduction relief test. You’re doing the right thing going to your physician. Make sure you tell him/her all of this information, it’s very useful for their subjective exam.

    Take care,
    MWOD Team Member
    in reply to: Anyone else “sway back”? #72763


    Changing to a standing desk is a great idea. One thing people often overlook when changing to a standing desk is forgetting that they need to focus on creating torque through the hips when they are standing. Standing sadly is not a passive activity. Also, working on loosening up the psoas, iliacus, rectus femoris and quadratus lumborum is a great way to start to normalize the lumbar sway back. Lastly, get a gemini and start working on improving your thoracic extension. Check out the following videos.
    Good luck,
    MWOD Team Member

    Good to hear that MWOD has worked so well for you overall. 

    I would say that this may be one of those cases where if it sounds sketchy, it may be sketchy. What I mean by that is anytime you have muscle loss(atrophy) you need to rule out possible nerve related causes. It sounds like you have seen PTs before but even PTs can miss underlying nerve problems. The area that you are having most of your symptoms and weakness is commonly associated with C5-6 nerve root compressions that can occur in the neck. I would recommend seeing your physician and having them check for a possible nerve compression first. 
    It’s always better to be on the safe side with things like this.
    Good luck,
    MWOD Team Member
    in reply to: Quad Spasm/Damage After Smashing? #72753

    Sounds like a pretty strange reaction to some smashing the day following a WOD. Dehydration definitely could be a huge component in this response if you did not rehydrate well after your WOD. Best results for working on sliding surfaces/smashing is to do it immediately after your WOD. 10-15 minutes worth of smashing following your WOD on the muscles that you used predominately in those movements is recommended. This also will help you down regulate following an intense training session and help improve your recovery while you are sleeping. 

    Best bet now is to try and resolve the residual swelling. Get your voodoo band and follow the recommendations in this video Kelly put out for ankle swelling, video. Always wrap distal to proximal so that you push the swelling toward the heart. 
    Good luck with your training.
    MWOD Team Member 
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