The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General what to do about numbness while stretching?

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    • #70312
      AvatarChris Fichtner

      i know that if you feel tingling or numbness you should stop ucz you are pulling/smashing a nerve, correct? But when i do the hip opening type stretches in episode 221 (or anything where im trying to improve the external rotation of my hip) my leg and foot starts to go numb just after 30 seconds… and you need “2 minutes to make change”… so whats the way to work around the leg/foot going numb?

    • #72308

      With numbness your need to re position the band because it is on a nerve or not in the correct placement.
      Could you ask someone else at the gym for help or someone else you know to look at the placement or help you with placing the band?

    • #72328
      AvatarChris Fichtner

      i get numbness even when not using the band. sitting in a chair, if i throw my left foot over onto my right knee to stretch, my foot starts to tingle within 30 seconds. if i try to do the same type of stretch with leg on a couch/bed i get the same thing… 

    • #72329

      Sitting in a chair could be positional.
      Are you sitting in an optimal sitting position?
      If there is an issue with sitting would you be able to have a standing desk?
      Have you rolled your foot out?
      It could be something is going on with the fascia of your foot.

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