The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General What is going on with Daily RX and webinars?

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    • #70636
      AvatarZaid Mansuri

      There hasn’t been a daily RX in a couple of days and there has been no webinars for the last couple of months and just wanted to know what was going on?

    • #73391
      Avatar[email protected]

      I’m pretty sure Kstar is having a few issues uploading/recording due to a snowstorm? He explains it a bit in the last dailrx video (6/12/13)

    • #73392
      AvatarNathan Richer

      the last dailyrx i see was friday.  are you not seeing more than that?

      in my experience, shooting video and posting is a tough process.  also i am finding a lot of the content is starting to repeat. and the episodes have slowed down as well.
      personally i’d love to see more episodes focused on certain sports, like the jumping athlete series up now.  everything else is scattered amongst the episodes and dailyrx’s. then it wouldn’t be so hard to say, I’m a swimmer, so i can just view these videos for help, versus picking through a whole bunch to find what applies to you…
    • #73393
      AvatarZaid Mansuri

      Friday is the last one I see as well. I was just curious as I love getting the update. I agree with you David as I am a wrestler who is still competing and your body gets twisted and contorted in so many ways. I have learned so much from the mwod about anatomy and movement that I have seen a tremendous improvement in my performance with out the downside of pain and restrictions. I feel that my body is able to operate more efficiently. The supernova and gemini are getting rid of all my limitations! I hope everything gets up and running soon so I can continue to stay as supple as ever!

    • #73394
      Avatar[email protected]

      I am going to say that he has been traveling a lot lately.  Seems like he is doing a lot of work with 60 minutes as well as the Saints as well as doing a couple of seminars.  He may have become overly supple.  

    • #73398
      AvatarBailey Martinez

      Just curious…is the content you’re describing only available under the paid subscription option?

      If so, do you feel that you’re starting to lack your “money’s worth”?

    • #73400
      AvatarZaid Mansuri

      Yes the content was under the paid subscription, but I have since learned that the lack of videos were due to weather and travel conditions. No worries I understand things come up. I don’t feel that I am not getting my “money’s worth” at all! I love the content it is great stuff at a great price!

    • #73403
      AvatarKatie Hemphill

      I’m impressed the new Daily Rx went this long without a major interruption, really. Even during the original MWOD there were breaks here and there, as life tends to happen to even the most supple among us. K-Star actually seems to have a pretty solid system going of recording multiple episodes at a time.

      Leave California for one lousy minute and the snow jumps all over you and messes things up. It’s a wild winter world out there!
    • #73414
      AvatarNathan Richer

      looks like there are ones up for Mon Dec 9 thru Wed Dec 11 now….guess he was backlogged.

    • #73415
      AvatarHarry Palmer

      I don’t mind that the Daily Rx fell behind a couple days, that’s bound to happen, but the only reason I signed up for an entire year was the monthly webinar.  Needless to say I’m pretty bummed there hasn”t been a webinar since September.  I would really love it if the webinars got back on track. 

    • #73417
      Avatar[email protected]

      Or at least if we got access to the previous webinars to make up for the lack of new ones

    • #73419
      AvatarTim Channing

      You do have access to the past webinars. Just click on them and it will say free for mwod pro members, then click on that. I think kstar made them free for 30 days b/c he has been unable to do a new one. Hope this helps

    • #73423
      Avatar[email protected]

      oh sweet! Well that makes me happy 🙂

    • #73446
      AvatarKyle Rota

      I’m bummed about the lack of webinars, too. I wonder if they weren’t getting enough viewers or something? 

      In the future I think they should also promote it better. I come to the site right to the Episodes page and missed the webinar announcements one or two times because they were only posted on the front page. They should sent out a big e-mail blast or something. 
    • #73447
      AvatarKyle Rota

      It seems like Kelly reads tweets addressed to him but not a lot of the forum posts. Maybe if we ping him on twitter he’ll see the interest or let us know what’s up with the lack of webinars? 

    • #73464
      AvatarNathan Richer

      i think we should also send him webinar ideas as well….

    • #73636
      AvatarMitchell Farrer


      Very happy to see that KStarr has made the past webinars available to pro users.
      I’m with Cory; I signed up in September pretty much just to have access to the monthly webinars, so this helps offest not having a new webinar in four months.
      Also great to have some basic forum functionality!
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