The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Voodoo Floss – Research/Articles?

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    • #70488
      AvatarChristina Blohm

      So I am fully aware of exactly how Voodoo Floss works (according to Kelly Starrett’s book and this site), but I was wondering if there are any actual studies out there that have been done with Voodoo Floss as of yet, that will actually scientifically back up this device? Been looking around multiple databases with little luck. 

      Although I do realize that the mechanisms behind it (such as the joint-gapping, compression, etc.) have been shown to be beneficial in multiple ways, so you could do cross-comparisons.
      Would greatly appreciate any help.
    • #72813


      As of now there are no research studies that directly look at the Voodoo bands. I think this is something that may eventually add credibility to the product but research is not our focus and is definitely not our area of expertise. 
      In terms of evidence based practice, consider Voodoo Floss in the lowest category, expert opinion. Even though this is the lowest category in the research hierarchy, it is still on the hierarchy for a reason. It’s no secret that research is lagging and typically is heavily swayed by endorsers and where grant money is coming from. It is by no means a perfect system. 
      For the time being we will leave it at this. If you use the Voodoo Floss the way Kelly states in his book/website and it doesn’t work for you then don’t waste your time with it. If it does work, great keep using it. I don’t think you need a randomized control trial to validate the product if it has been working for you.
      Take care,
      MWOD Coach
    • #72816

      Another point worth noting is there may not be research that shows Voodoo bands work, but there also isn’t research that says Voodoo bands don’t work.
      As Danny notes if you use them and they help great if you use them and they don’t help then try something else.
      Leverage your experiences.

    • #74126
      AvatarKatheryn Cabrera

      Wow….really…thats the answer…;FREAKIN SMART. Good thing we are trusting people with our health.

    • #74127

      Yes there is an article on Voodoo flossing
      biomechanics voodoo floss study, enhancing vertical jump performance and becoming more supple.

    • #74138

      Hahah thats pretty sweet. Studies are already underway 🙂

    • #76558
      AvatarAddison Bautista

      Does anyone know where I can find the article on Voodoo flossing ? 

    • #76559
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      This was a pilot/course project to acquire professors backing to do a full on study. Currently In the works.

    • #76561
      AvatarAddison Bautista

      Thanks Kaitlin. 

      Is it possible to the get access to the poster/pilot study as the results of this are interesting until the full study is conducted. 

    • #76562
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      Hang tight I am tracking it down.

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