Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Foot/Ankle Tried walking around with both feet forward today. Instant feedback.

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    • #71592
      AvatarBen Van Heirseele

      So I noticed that my left foot tends to stay straight all the time while my right foot toes out about a half inch to an inch.

      Today, i walked around for about 30min consciously making sure my feet were pointing straight and the first thing I noticed is how weird it felt on my need and all throughout my right leg. Nothing weird in the left.
      Later, I felt some discomfort in my right knee. Not surprising at all, but my question is, should I keep trying to walk with feet straight until my right leg comes around, or will it ultimately lead to injury if I keep it up?
    • #76373
      AvatarKeith Broussard

      I say keep with it but don’t forget the other stuff. Keep tissues supple north and south of the knee. Work on your feet too.

      A book I recommend is your whole body barefoot by Katy bowman. It’s a short read it she’s pretty much Kelly’s overachieving sister from another mother.

    • #76380
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      You did too much too fast.
      Do shorter doses through out the day.
      You will build up the time that you are able to hold correct positioning.
      The new positioning will become your default positioning.
      Creating strategies for prioritizing mechanics.

    • #76384
      AvatarBen Van Heirseele

      Thanks for the feedback guys!

      Too late Kaitlin, lol. I have been walking with both feet straight now since that day and they pain has gone away completely.
      I had to think about every step though and still for the most part do, but through daily mobility drills and continuing to walk with my feet pointed straight, i’ve already noticed a big difference in the gym and a lot of other things in how I move.
    • #76387
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      Great to hear about your improvements.
      Staying consistent with mobility drills is a key aspect.
      It will be more and more just the way you walk and you won’t need to think about it so much.
      Great to hear you are noticing a difference at the gym as well.
      Keep up with the solid work.

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