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    • #71150
      AvatarEric Kirstein

      This is a bit on the side of what is usually discussed here, but I was wondering if anyone here have had the chance to try TRE (Trauma Release Exercises).

      I’ve been doing these and it’s been nothing short of a magical (and I’m not using that lightly). The problem is … I can’t make sense of what is happening. If someone knows, please weigh in. 
      My hamstrings never felt better, fwiw.
    • #75343
      AvatarBrian Foster

      I would like to use this technique, but can’t find it. Could you post a link or explain it? Thanks!

    • #75344
      AvatarEric Kirstein

      Seems like the official website is

      I follow the instructions described in the video available for purchase here:
      The first 15 minutes of the video talks about the philosophy, then the exercises, and after there’s testemonials and a Q&A which answers a lot of the questions you will have afterwards.
      Recommend watching the video before reading the books, which are available at Amazon or Namaste Publishing. 
      I’m not affiliated, just genuinly curious.
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