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    • #697792
      AvatarMatt Brahim

      Hey, when I’m sitting cross legged on the ground for an extended period of time the scapula region on my left shoulder starts to get a tingling feeling. When I do soft tissue work in the area it helps but the tingling always comes back. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to solve this? Thanks

    • #700104
      Kaitlin LyonsKaitlin Lyons

      May be best to see a Practioner to determine what you are experiencing and where the root of the problem is.
      Tingling may have a nerve involved.

      Does the tingling only occur when you sit cross legged and when doing mobility work?
      Have you checked things out above and below where you are seeing the problem?

      • #700534
        AvatarMatt Brahim

        It goes away when I do mobility work work or ny sort of exercise. Only when I am sedentary

    • #703728
      Kaitlin LyonsKaitlin Lyons

      Have you checked out your position when sitting?
      When you are sedentary can you get up and move for a few minutes at any points?

      Sounds like you are resolving symptoms, however not addressing where the issue originates.
      Until you determine where it originates different symptoms will keep showing up.
      Have you thought about seeing a practitioner about the tingling?
      What have you been doing for mobility work?
      Any joint work?
      Working up/down stream?

      Have you seen the Waterman Basic Shoulder Spin Up?
      I recommend watching each video. The shoulder spin up is the 4th video. Click the arrows on the sides to advance to the next video.

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