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    • #71111
      AvatarJoel Lubinitsky

      New to site, headed over here because my sports-loving son is having issues with his ankles hurting off and on.  This has been going on for about 6 months.  We went to the ortho.  Nothing wrong with the bones.  He said my son has very tight Achilles tendons for someone of his age and tight hamstrings too and RX’d some PT.  I’m wondering if it would be worthwhile to subscribe here (well, duh, of course it WOULD be!), but, more specifically — any recommendations/particular videos we should be looking at or suggestions.  I want to help him and teach him what he can do to make sure he isn’t hurting, and, more importantly, doesn’t get hurt because he loves being on his team(s).   Thanks in advance!

    • #75213
      AvatarJoel Lubinitsky

      He is also a pronator if that helps to know.  He turns his toes out when he walks.

    • #75214

      Was he given anything to do following PT?
      There are a few places to go to work.
      Ask him to walk with his toes pointing forward.
      Bringing awareness is a key starting point.
      You need to look at the whole system.
      What are his feet like? This may be an impacting factor.
      Recommend watching foot ankle webinar this will help with understanding the situation.
      A few to start with. Feel free to message with any questions.
      Episode 343: Stop Walking Like the Duck You Aren’t

      Episode 85: Unglue Your Sticks Man
      Episode 115: Lower Leg Sliding Surfaces
      Episode 189: Rail Mobgression/Evironmental Opportunism + New Ankle Mob
      Episode 194: Why Do You Hate Your Calfs?

      What is hip internal rotation like?
      Episode 230: Squatting With Turned Out Feet? Hey Duck Squatter, IR Yourself.
      This is a place where turned out feet can originate.

    • #75227
      AvatarTom Matchinsky

      To go along with what Kaitlin is saying, also check the heel drop in his shoes. We should all be in shoes that are pretty flat from heel to forefoot. Say no to flip flops as well. I know with my 9 year old, he complained of some mild heel/ankle pain about 6 months ago. I switched him to a lower heeled shoe and he quit talking about it. Its funny when he wears the old ones to go play in the woods he will complain about how high the heel feels.

    • #75249
      AvatarJoel Lubinitsky

      Thanks!  Appreciate the feedback and suggestions! 

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