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    • #70398
      AvatarRichard Quach

      I have been dealing with a tingling arm and neck/shoulder pain for over 6 years. I have seen my regular doctor, a shoulder specialist, nerve doctor, physical therapist, Chiropractor and Massage therapist. Some things helped a little but it has never gone away. My crossfit instructor let my loaned my “The Supple Leopard” and I showed me a couple of mobility movements for my first rib. I have had more relief in the past 10 days than I have had in 6 years!!! A borrowed book and a lacrosse ball kicked the pants off all those doctors.

      I have now signed up for m/wod pro and am busy watching videos to help improve my hip mobility and I still continue to work on my first rib.

      Thank you very much,

      Don Vogt

    • #72575

      Great to hear of the improvements you are having with using the Movement& Mobility method to address your problem areas. Keep working with it.

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