Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General thoracic spine collapsing

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    • #71480
      AvatarKevin Frew

      My t-spine is collapsing when I bent over for example when I do hamstring flossing I also have tight hamstrings and adductors but I’ve been fixing that little by little I already did nice progress with my hips and ankles so I believe adductors and hamstring will come to their place after while. But I am kinda worried about t-spine because I feel it is more strength issue than mobility. I don’t have any problems with external rotation in shoulders but it is the first things that breaks down the chain. when I do 10mins squat test after 5-6 min I feel it start to round a little also n front squat when I am tired it is first thing that is collapsing. Can you give me your opinion about it and should I mobilize it more or do more strengthening exercises for t-spine and what kind of exercises do you recommend?

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