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    • #70979
      Avatarsimon brooks

      I have been told my one shoulder has a week Subscapularis muscle.

      What are your favourite exercies for this muscle?
    • #74802
      AvatarNathan Richer

      hmm can you describe what brought on this diagnosis and how it was done?

      i do not think you can just strengthen the subscap and not sure you’d just want to focus on that. If there is a problem with the subscap, it would seem like there may be some dysfunction of the shoulder and scapula movement, and that you’d want to address the system and not a single muscle.  Fixing the system will probably address whatever issue you may be seeing at the subscap.
      check this out:

      does this describe you?

      I am a big fan of the Crossover Symmetry system, found at and can be purchased at Rogue Fitness (and for cheaper at ATG Stores).  That might be something you’d want to try also.
    • #74818
      Avatarsimon brooks

      This does sound quite like me.  It does feel like my one shoulder’s strength is a lot lower so can’t just be motor control.

      How do you keep yourself in line motor control wise?  I know pretty much all cue’s for proper shoulder position but doesn’t mean I am doing them perfect.  I guess that is the need for a coach?

    • #74821
      AvatarNathan Richer

      Yes it is very hard to do by yourself in the beginning. It is much easier to have an experienced eye watching body parts that you can’t see like the movement of your scapula and shoulder position as you perform a movement.

      A good coach would help immensely. Watching videos and increasing your knowledge will also help a lot to know at least intellectually what you’re supposed to do.
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