Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Steel toe boots, walking 15 to twenty thousand steps a day

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    • #71549
      AvatarSami Lemmetty

      I started wearing strike movement shoes whenever im not at work. I have not worn a flip flop in a couple of years. I have changed the way I sleep , to try and rest in a good neutral position.
       My point is this , I am trying to not be running in circles , putting out fires.My goal is to be pro active , to make changes, and increase my over all performance.
       My ankle range is killing me. What can I do to combat the boot situation ?
      Pistol squats are out of reach for me.
      My training is the five by five method right now. I am squatting three days a week. I started using voo doo bands on the quads to get them to heal. I feel like my bottom squat position sucks. Ive attached a video of my self squatting.
      1.improve bottom position in squat
      2.be able to pistol squat
      I am also a member of free style movement and looking for a trainer to help with motor control.
      Thanks for the help.

    • #76307
      AvatarSami Lemmetty

      here is the video. thank you

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