The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Foot/Ankle Sore/tight ankle as a result of mobilizing

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    • #71183
      AvatarJustin Perz

      I have been working on my right ankle for about a month and when I wake up in the morning, my ankle feels tight and restricted. I have to warm it up some to get it moving again. Is this normal from mobilizing. Also, some days it feels like it has improved, other days it feels like my impingement is worse than before i started. I’m getting kind of frustrated because it seems to be going back and forth and not really going forward. Any suggestions?

    • #75464
      Avatar[email protected]

      I have the same exact problem except on both ankles. Very interested in any possible advice. I do a lot of banded capsule work and spent a lot of time working on plantar flexion which has now been sore for a few weeks now even though I cooled it with the plantar stretches.

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