Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Knee slightly bent knee pain

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    • #71779

      Hi, Im an ex tennis player if that matters. Last fall I had a small comeback after over a year of absence on the tour. Ive had 2 knee surgeries (left) to try and get rid of jumpers knee, chronic scar tissue. Successfully its been well since 2013. I have never felt the same strength on my left side than my right( playing right handed). I had a good comeback, though I played 7 matches on 6 days and on the last day something happened. Sharp pain when fully loading on slightly bent knee ( on my toes) trying to push off. We have tried to find the problem with multiple practitioners but so far no real progress.

      I would be curious to hear if you guys have any idea or theory what could be the issue here.
      Thank you 
    • #76908
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      Are you seeing change with this situation?
      Are you addressing the scar tissue issue?
      Do you only experience the pain when on your toes going to push off?

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