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    • #71091

      I have an office job and recently got an adjustable workstation.  Any thoughts how to split up the time standing vs sitting?  I have 90 minutes of driving commute each day and have some meetings where I would have to sit, but most of the time I can be pretty flexible with sitting or standing.

    • #75171
      AvatarGeorge McLaney

      J Dach, I work from home (well, I’m a writer so it’s not really work, per se!) and have been standing most of the time while I type for two years. I’ve found that you have to get used to the transition, so jumping into 100% standing may not be the best plan. Over time I’ve tweaked with sitting vs standing time periods, and for me 70-30 to 80-20 standing to sitting works best. When I do sit, I often jam a lacrosse ball under one hamstring and pressure wave or tack and floss for 10 minutes, before switching to the other side. 

      One other tip with standing more – my feet, heel cords and gastroc get tighter than when I used to sit to work. So I make sure I roll the lacrosse ball around under my feet at night and do the 2 variations of the calf wall stretch that K-Star favors several times a day. 
      Hope this helps and good luck.
    • #75200


      I got a standing workstation due to several hip/lower back issues that were manifesting themselves after 30+ years of an office job.  I was able to adapt pretty quickly to standing and have been standing for pretty much my whole work day (9-10 hours).  I’ve seen some stuff about switching it up some.  Your 80-20 split sounds reasonable. 

      Would be interested to see what others do.

    • #75202
      AvatarDaniel Lugn

      I moved to a stand up desk as well a few months ago. I found the first week or so a bit tiring on the knees and feet and found myself often over extending my lower back as I stood. I am still getting used to it though and I found it makes great improvements for my upper-cross syndrome .

      Standing like a statue for hours on end isn’t very comfortable, so taking a walk around the office every half an hour seemed to take the stiffness away. I am trying to ‘fidget’ more while I stand too which makes it easier to stand for almost the entire day.

      I dont have a time ratio of sitting vs. standing, but I basically reserve my sitting to meetings, commuting, lunch and the occasional 15 minute sit break to give my legs a rest.

    • #75212

      Thanks Brad, that is sort of the way I’m doing things now, sit in the car, in meeting and 2-3 15 minute sitting sessions during the day.

      On of my co-workers had one of those footrests for under  the desk that I inherited.  I use it sort of like an old bar rail and alternate resting my feet on it.

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