Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Shoulder Shoulder Problems for 4 years / Scapula

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    • #71369
      AvatarSandy Gross

      Hey Guys,

      im from Germany, so sorry, when my english isnt that good. 🙂
      At the beginning i had no problems with bench pressing and Push Ups, but after some Time of wrong technique, i was young and didnt informed me abouth the technique, i got problems in my shoulder. The pain is located at the top of the biceps and front delta muscle. I started to do Rotator Cuff excercies, but they just helped to get rid of the inflammation ( Dont know if this is the right word ), but the pain was comming back after 4 weeks always. So it was alway a temporary pain, not like an real impingment in the Shoulder, but with the same issues. 
      Then i read the book of Kelly and watched his videos and worked on my internal rotation, which is very good in my opinion. The main Problem is located at my scapula. It really hurts on some points, when im rolling over an lacross ball and i dont know how i should deal with it. Im doing the Mobility excercies for some months now, but no excercices could relly help me to fix my problems with my scapula. My doctor also told me that i have blockades in my top spine and in the last time i got the pain in my shoulder and middle back(rigth under the scapula) when im doing excercies, but also when im just sitting on a chair. For example.. I have no problems with Overhead Press, but when i want to drop the weights, im having the pain in my Shoulder
      I dont know if my problems are understandable and some of you may know on which parts i should work. I mobilised about everything… My Spine, my Shoulders, my Lat… Maybe im doing the strechtes wrong, i dont know. When this is the real problem.. is there a possibilitiy for an personal coaching in MobilityWod?

      Greetings, Power95

    • #76032

      A lacrosse ball may be too hard.
      I’d recommend using a yoga tune up ball.

      If you are doing work and not seeing change you need to take another look at how you are approaching it.
      Pro Episode # 21 – Pro-User Request Friday: Not Seeing The Change? You Need a Systems Approach.

      Have you tried a session with a coach locally?
      Here is info on scheduling a virtual session http://www.mobilitywod.com/consult/

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