The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Should I be using leg drive in the floor press?

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    • #70201
      AvatarKyle Rota

      Was glad to see the floor press covered in Kelly’s book, but I wasn’t clear if you should be using leg drive in the floor press. I’ve seen it taught usually with zero lower body contribution to isolate the upper body but am wondering Kelly’s take on it. His pictures show the knees stay bent and he said the loading sequence is ‘exactly the same as the bench press’ which suggests you do use leg press. 

    • #72036
      AvatarJames Elwin

      When I do floor press I usually keep my heel as close to my butt as possible and also flatten my lower back against the floor. Since the shoulder is prevented from going into a less than optimal position I see no point in using leg drive. Leg drive will only lead to an increased chance of becoming overextended in your lumbar. I will press my feet into the floor keeping the heel close to the butt but this is more for bracing/preventing myself from sliding around as opposed to using my legs to assist in getting the weight up. Another good trick is to think of pushing yourself away from the weight instead of pushing the weight up. Hope this helps!

    • #72037
      AvatarJames Elwin

      Oh, and as far as “loading sequence” Kelly is most likely referring to setting the shoulder in the back of the socket as well as externally rotating the shoulder during the eccentric and concentric phases. This external rotation will help to create torque on the bar which is much less demanding since the barbell is a fixed plane whereas something like a kettlebell requires more stabilization as well as torque during a pressing motion e.g. floor press, overhead press.

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