The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General sharp lower back pain and then a light dull pain in lower back, hip, groin and down the hamstring

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    • #70928
      AvatarVeronica Gordon

      A few days after 14.3, while being at home and doing not very much, I got a sharp pain in my lower back (left side), like somebody was stabbing me with a knife. After that I could not move for a few seconds, but then it was getting better and better. After a week or so it was only a light dull pain in the lower back and because it was getting better so fast I didn’t go to the doctor. But one or to weeks later this dull pain was spreading downstream to the groin, the hip and down the hamstring. It was not getting more painful, but just spreading a bit. And also this pain was getting less each day.

      This whole time I did nothing but some light mobility work. Last week the pain was not gone completely, but just there in a subtle way.
      So this monday I decided to do a little strength workout with some squats. In the workout I didn’t feel any pain, but directly after it began. Not so much at the lower back, more in the region of the hip and the groin. And although the muscles there are really really tight and stiff I don’t think they are causing the problem. It feels like the pain comes from deeper like from the bone or the nerve directly and sometimes it feels a bit hot, like there is some kind of inflammation (I think heat makes it worse, too).
      Has anybody here experienced similar pain and/or could help me otherwise?
    • #74615

      Hey Stefan,

      Try and loosen up some of the muscles around your hips like your psoas and quadratus lumborum. It sounds like it’s coming from you lumbar spine even though most of the pain is now in the hip/thigh. Try the mobility techniques in the videos below.
      Take care,
      MWOD Coach
    • #74616
      AvatarVeronica Gordon

      Thank you, Danny!

      I will try these today for sure. And I was wrong with the heat, doesn’t make it worse, makes it better.
    • #74621
      AvatarVeronica Gordon

      Really weird things going on now. I did 4 mobility sessions today, everytime with the mobility techniques above and I think it was getting a bit better. So I went out for a walk for about an hour to relax. At the end I noticed that my hamstrings and glutes were really sore and now I am sitting on the couch and the muscles of the backside of my leg are twitching. It’s a really strange feeling and that after such a low level activity.

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